Chapter 4: It's Over

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Jacob's POV

"Do you really have to go?" Naomi asks sitting up in bed 

"Yes, my girlfriend passed out last night and everyone was there but me" I said putting my pants on. 

"So she's back to being dramatic?" she said 

"She's not dramatic, drama just tends to follow her" I said putting my shirt on. 

"Then why are you still with her?" she asks getting up 

"Because I still care about her. Plus she's my best friend's daughter. And her dad never liked me so he'd probably kill me" I said. 

"Yea no drama there" she said getting up and wrapping her arms around my neck. 

Then she kisses me, I never thought I'd like kissing anyone besides Ness. But kissing Naomi is different more... free. I'm a terrible person, I never knew being bad could feel so good. Naomi and I have been seeing each other for a few months. We met when Sue introduced us to her friend Mila and her daughter. 

At first I just though Naomi was just fun to be around. Then one night we were talking and the next thing I know we were naked. Ever since that night we've been secretly hooking up. I've been using the whole 'as long as nobody finds out no one can get hurt' excuse. But I'm going to have to say something soon.  

"You're trying to seduce me into staying longer" I said taking her arms from my neck. 

"Can't blame a girl for trying" she said giving me that sexy smile of hers. 

"I'll see you later tonight, promise" I said kissing her one last time 

"Okay see you then, bye" she said going into the bathroom. I leave her hotel room and run home, I shower and put on some clean clothes. Then I go over to Stef's house.

"What the hell happened to you last night?" Stef asks as soon as she opens the door. 

"I got a little tied up" I said 

"What's with you lately? You're barely around anymore. And when you are you act like you want to be somewhere else" she said pissed. 

"Where's my girlfriend Stef?" I ask, Stef sighs 

"Ness decided to sleep in her own bed last night" she said. 

"So what's going on? What happened last night?" I ask, Stef explains everything. 

"So Isabelle isn't dead"  

"Apparently not" Stef said 

"Great just great" I said sighing. "So what do we do now?" 

"There's nothing we really can do. I mean my mom is looking into a way to at least block Isabelle from Nessie's head. But it's not going so well" she said. 

I just shake my head "well I better go over and see her" I said leaving. 

When I get to Nessie's she's alone in the kitchen, at least I thought she was alone. When I get closer I see Alec making her pancakes. 

"How about these?" he asks putting three chocolate chip pancakes on a plate. 

Ness try's them "way more chocolate chip than pancake...their perfect" she said smiling and taking another bite. 

"Are you just waking up?" I ask sitting next to her.

Alec straightens up like he got caught doing something wrong. Ness just smiles "yea best night of sleep I've had in a long time" she said taking another bite of her pancakes. 

"I'll let you two talk" Alec said after he cleans up 

"Thanks for staying with me" Ness said 

"Anytime" he said closing the door. 

"He was here all night?"  I ask 

"Just until I fell asleep, then he came over this morning and-" 

"Made you your favorite breakfast food" I finish for her. 

"Dad's been teaching him how to cook" she said shrugging 

"And he just had to learn how to perfect your favorite food?" I said 

"Are you really being jealous right now? I mean considering where you've been" she said. 

My whole body goes numb. Does she know about Naomi? "What are you talking about?" I ask. 

"Nothing" she sighs "what happened to us Jake?" she said looking down. 

I want to say nothing, I want to say what are you talking about? But instead I say "nothing happened to us we're fine Ness" I kiss her and she kisses me back almost reluctantly. A tear rolls down her face and I break the kiss. 

"We're not fine Jake, we've been off ever since we came home" she said. 

I know she's right I mean at first we seemed fine. But maybe I think that because we had a lot of sex after we came home. That and Edward was finally off of us and everyone was happy. Sue and Charlie announced their engagement. Maybe we were off the whole time. Maybe we only thought we were okay because we got pulled into everyone else's happy climate. 

"You're right" I said giving in, it hurts to admit it, and it leaves a heavy ace in my chest. 

"Since we're being honest...I know that you're cheating on me" she said. My whole body stiffens and I back away from her shaking my head. 

"No I'm-" 

"Please don't lie to me, I've known since it started" she says standing up. We just stare at each other for a long time, feeling each other out. 

"Why didn't you say anything?" I ask finally 

"At first I just didn't want to believe it. Then I told myself that it was a one-time thing. Something that you just needed to get out of your system. After that passed I just didn't want to say anything because then that would make it real" she says. Tears still rolling down her face.

"I love you, I-I do Ness. I uh I just can't..." I stutter pathetically. 

"I get it, it's just easier to be with someone who is less...drama prone. I can't completely hate you for that" she said wiping her face. Weird that's the same thing that Naomi said this morning. 

"Why now, why'd you decide to tell me this now?" I ask. 

"Because I can only deal with one thing at a time, and let's be honest this whole relationship has turned into a burden. I can't be stressed out with the whole Isabelle thing and have my heart stomped on by you. One person can only take so much you know" she said still crying. 

My eyes start watering too "I'm sorry and I know how horrible this is going to sound but... I didn't want to betray you like that" I said regretting it as soon as I say it. 

"Then why? How could you do this to me Jake?!" she said sniffling. 

"Because I didn't want to lose you not after all we've been through" I said. 

"Do know how stupid that sounds?!" she said angrily

"Yea I do" I said, then we just stare at each other. 

"So this is it? We're... uh we're... really breaking up?" I mumble 

"Yea we are" she whispers. 

I kiss her on the forehead and run. I barely make it out the door before I phase. 

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