Chapter 14: Learning About the Enemy

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  Renesmee's POV

"Still so hostel" Isabelle said rolling her eyes. "Fine!" she said after Daddy growls at her. "What do you want the whole story or–"

"Everything. Tell us everything you know. Now" I said leaning into Alec for support

"Okay but it's a long story. Sebastien was young and fell in love with the wrong girl. I mean he cared deeply for Francesca but she was...odd. She was basically obsessed with him. She was insanely jealous when he even looked at another girl so he ended it. A few years passed and he fell in love with another girl. She got knocked up and they were supposed to get married...but Francesca killed her. Then she used an immortality spell on him so he'd be forever alone."

"And that's how he became a vampire?" Stef asks

"Well yes he didn't know it yet but it wasn't just immortality she cursed him with. After she turned him he felt hungry. Hungrier than he ever felt in his life. That night he murdered fifty innocent people. He tried to leave the next day but the sun burned him. Eventually after a few hundred years he learned the in's and outs of being a vamp. He even made a few friends that he trusted enough to turn. But soon he noticed that vampires were evolving. All the people his friends turned were different. Then all of the people he turned started getting sick and dying. Then he started getting sick himself."

"So how'd he survive all these years?" Daddy asks

"Not well from what he told us. When he found Ian and me, Ian was very sick and my magic could not help him. However, Sebastien could, and before you say anything yea. He told me it might only be temporary. It worked and Ian was healthier, better than ever but after about fifty years or so. He started to get sick, so I made a Band-Aid for that until I found you." She said looking at me.

"Right because Ness is the cure right? How do you even know that? I mean yea your insane ritual work but that could've been a fluke!" Stephanie said clearly pissed

"Because of this" Isabelle said tossing something to me that Alec catches

He hands it to me and I immediately know what it is and start shaking a little. The memories flash through my mind and I drop it, but Alec catches it before it hits the ground.

"Baby what is it?" Mom asks

"It's t-the handle of the knife from the..." I don't finish but I know everyone gets it

"There better be a good explanation for this" Stephanie said

"I wanted to be a hundred percent sure that it would work. And I knew that even if it did work we wouldn't be able to bring her to him. So I fashioned that to the handle of the dagger. It stored a little of her blood for me to test" Isabelle explains

"So...what do you need her for? I mean if you did the ritual and it worked-"

"And you already gave the blood to Sebastien" Alec chimes in

"Why do you still need my daughter?" Daddy demands

"Because we didn't use it on him. I mean he did taste some. But Ian tried it first" Isabelle explains

Stephanie rolls her eyes "and whose idea was that?"

"All three of us decided" Isabelle said

"Sounds like Sebastien used Ian as his poison taster" Mom said

"Or Isabelle just wanted to make sure her brother was taken care of first" Stephanie said

Isabelle rolls her eyes at both of them "believe what you want but Francesca is a problem for all of us"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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