Chapter 7

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Last night was eventful, I guess… I woke up on the couch, on Nathan’s bare stomach. I slowly rose up, checking my surroundings, and then I remembered. I fell asleep during the second half of the game, but how I ended up on Nathan’s stomach will remain a mystery.  I noticed that it was only The Wanted were sprawled on the couch.

I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen where Harry was cooking.  I could see he was flipping something not sure what it was tough but it was most likely to be pancakes.  I poured some ready boiled water into a mug and popped in a tea bag.

“Good morning love.” Harry greeted as I sipped my hot tea.

“Good morning to you too. Where are the rest of the boys?” I reply taking a seat at the kitchen island.

“Sleeping in the spare rooms.” He replied putting a pancake on a plate.

“Then how did I end up sleeping on Nathan’s stomach?” I asked.

“Last night, after you fell asleep, Nathan and Niall had small argument about who should sleep with you and obviously Nathan won because he said that he was your brother and need to spend more time with you and Niall could sleep with you as much as much he wanted after the marriage. Niall lost because he couldn’t think of a better reason.” Harry explained.

“Good morning babe.” Niall greeted with a kiss on the lips.

“Good morning love.” I replied.

“Ugh, why PDA so early in the morning sis?” Nathan asked groggily.

“Because you didn’t let me sleep with my fiancé last night.” I replied.

“I’ve only known you for three years plus the couple those couple of days.” Nathan shot back.

“And I only have known about Niall for a year.” I pointed out. I sipped my tea, my sweet tea.

Nathan was about to say something before Siva came in. “The sweet sound of sibling rivalry in the morning. What are you two arguing about?”

“HE/SHE STARTED IT!” Nathan and I said at the same time.

“He asked what you were arguing about not who started it.” Harry corrected after laughing.

“We’re going back to London today, right?” I asked.

“Actually we have a last minute concert today in Dublin.” Liam answered joining in the conversation.

“When did that happen?” Niall asked.

“This morning.”

“The management always tells you first.” Harry commented.

 “You guys are going to Dublin today? What a coincidence, we’re going Belfast but first we’re going to stop in Dublin for a day or two.” Max said as he entered.

“So we’re all going to Ireland?” Siva asked with excitement and we just nodded.

“Yeah buddy.” Niall exclaimed and high-fived Siva.

“So when’s the flight?” I asked.

“4PM.”Liam answered.

“What a coincidence that’s the same time as our flight.” Max commented.

“Do you think Scooter and their management have anything to do with this?” Nathan asked.

I just shrugged before asking a different question. “So we have to go back to Gloucester to get our stuff from my parents’ place then back to the flat in London to pack the remaining stuff then to go the airport?”

My Twin Engaged to Niall Horan? (One Direction/ The Wanted)Where stories live. Discover now