Chapter 23

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"The winner is..." Louis trailed off.

"OMG! It's One Direction and Big Time Rush together!" A mob of fans started chasing us. I turned my head and saw that there was more fans than I thought.

"RUN!" Kendall yelled. I ran as fast as I could. Liam was ahead of everyone while everyone else running at pretty fast pace. We ran into Nandos since it was the closest and most decent place compared to the other places.

"Well what do we do now?" I asked. I looked over at the glass door where there were fans holding signs and screaming. "Apart from that." I pointed to Harry and Louis who were doing bromance stuff in front of the glass door.

"I'm going to call Paul. In the meanwhile, you guys should order lunch." Liam told us and went to call Paul.

Niall ordered for everyone *cough*morelikethewholemenu*cough*. We sat there talking about life after while throwing bits of food at each other. The other customers were giving us glares but we didn't care, after all we're family.

"Paul says that security is coming soon and he's angry at us for leaving without telling him." Liam informs us after thirty minutes. I'm guessing he talked on the phone with Danielle as well. Who talks on the phone with their bodyguard for half an hour?

"We did leave a note." Zayn said.

"Yeah, but we just wrote 'Gone out' followed by our signatures." I pointed out after stuffing my face.

"This is the first time in a while that we gotten chased by fans in L.A" Kendall said.

"I think twisted my ankle while we were being chased." I said looking at my ankle.

"Nathan's going to kill me." Niall mumbled. I remember having a conversation with Niall and Nathan and Nathan said that if I get hurt, he'll kill Niall.

"He won't kill if he doesn't know." Logan pointed out.

I thought about that for a moment and it actually could work. After twenty minutes, security came over and escorted us out. We bid farewell to Big Time Rush and Melissa.

Paul gave us another talk about safety and leaving without permission, just the usual. We've snuck out a couple of times and gotten talks before so this is completely normal. We stopped by the clinic before going to back to the hotel.

"Well Ms. Kate, you're lucky that your ankle isn't as bad as most people but the recovery time is still the same." My doctor informed me.

"How long will that be?" I asked.

"About six weeks. I recommend that you rest as much as you can, you should start feeling better after a week but you won't be fully recovered till after six weeks." The doctor explained. "Since you're travelling, I think the best for you would be using crutches."

I nodded. "Thank you doctor."

"Tour ends in three weeks and the doctor says that you're going to be fully recovered only after six weeks, what are you going to tell Nathan?" Niall asked with his full of consent.

"Niall, calm down. I'll deal with Nathan." I replied. The doctor came back with crutches, some painkillers and cream for my foot. She wrapped my left foot with a bandage and told us that I'm ready to go.

"C'mon, let's tell the others that I'm going to live."I told Niall who helped me with walking with these crutches. This is harder than it looks.

"Kate you're alive!" Louis exclaimed, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Yes, I am but not for long if you don't let go." I said and he let go.

"Thank goodness. If you weren't, Niall's going be crying and never smile again and maybe reject food!" Harry commented. Making me chuckle a bit, these boys will never change no matter what.

Later That Night

"You what?" Nathan shouted. Liz, Niall and I were video chatting with Nathan, a lot of things had happened in the past twenty-four hours so we decided to tell Nathan about it.

"Calm Nathan." I told him. "We got chased by fans and I twisted my ankle while running. How many times do I have to tell you?" I explained to Nathan about five times already, I think he understood it the first time but he's just overreacting.

"Niall, why weren't you there to save her?" Nathan asked, almost lunging towards the screen making Niall back away.

"Nathan would just calm down already. It's not my first time that I've gotten a twisted ankle." I said to Nathan. Just saying that brings back the memories of me getting hurt while playing 'sports. Oh the price of being athletic.

"On the bright side, I got a gold for backstroke and butterfly and silver for breaststroke." Liz said showing her medals.

"That's great babe." Nathan said with a smile. "So, how's the tour?"

"Besides my twisted ankle and your complaining, I'd say it's pretty good." I answered.

"We'll, we've gotta to get going to sleep. I need more rest and Nialler has a concert tomorrow." I said.

"Night Sis, night Liz and night Niall." Nathan said to us before disconnecting the video chat.

"Your brother scares me sometimes." Niall said to me.

"He's just looking after me and he's making up for not being there with me for the past sixteen years." I told him.

"I guess so." Niall mumbled.

"Kate, Niall, I'm going. I've got training tomorrow morning before the semi-finals tonight." Liz told me, getting her stuff.

"Alright, bye Liz." I replied as she left.

"Now, it's just you and I." Niall said with a smirk. I knew what he was thinking. I pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Once again, Niall's hormones are active. I gave him one more passionate kiss then fell into deep sleep with Niall's arms wrapped around me.

A/N: Anyone want a sequel? There's about three more chapters and an epilouge then it's the end unless you want a sequel. Nathan's birthday is in four more days!!! Anyone like the new Wattpad app layout? That's all I have to say, unless I forgot to mention something (hopefully not). 

VOTE/COMMENT <--- pretty please with tons of cherries on top and whatever you Wattpad readers/fans love to eat ice cream with

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