Chapter 11: An unlikely alliance

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{Can anyone really be trusted?}

Kyran POV:
I have been waiting on Draco for soooooooooo long now. 20 minutes is a few minutes too long. This whole time I just been checking the window then my text messages. We decided to meet at the public library downtown to hangout. Which I'll be the first to say, kind of weird.

"Sorry I'm late Draco, I forgot my laptop. Wait Kyran?" Alec? What is he doing here?

"Why are you here?"

"I'm looking for someone, Draco, Gold and Funneh's brother? Do you know him?"

"Yea, I'm actually waiting for him myself, he didn't tell me you were going to be here..."

This is awkward. Why didn't Draco tell me Alex was coming? I thought he would've been mad for breaking Funneh's heart. He pulls up a seat to sit across from me before I can say no.

I don't have much to say to the guy so I just go back to playing on my phone. He does the same. I'm so focused on the awkwardness of this situation that I stared into space.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm so late. I ran into someone"

"You have some explaining to do, why is Alec here?" I stand from my seat once I hear Draco's voice.

"I invite him,"

Draco sits next to Alec. Alec then pulls out his laptop and starts typing.

"Draco opinions on this," Alec pointed to his screen. I wonder what they're looking at.

"Definitely not what I expected" Draco responded.

"I wasn't sure when you reached out to me if you could be trusted. But now that I see this information it hard not to believe," Draco continues.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Funneh has been acting weird. So when Alec reached out to me after he notices her going after Senpai, "Draco stop explaining to make sure I'm understanding what happens. I give him a nod.
"And I think we founded out why she drinks a love potion"

"Oh, Gold told me about how Funneh been a little off since Alec rejected her" I give Alec a mean look. He looks confused.


"Remember you left her a letter saying you never wanted to talk to her again!" I comment.

"..." Alec looks like he wants to say something but doesn't.

"That doesn't matter anymore, I think one of my sisters gave her a potion," Draco said.


"Yea. And love spells are forbidden magic. Which means whoever gave her it could end up in jail"

"Yikes" I sat down in my seat and just stay quiet for most of the time, only chiming in once in a while. I didn't have much to comment on. I'm not sure why I was even invited. I feel left out.

"And that why we need you, Kyran"

"Um, Kyran? Are you paying attention?" Draco wakes me up from my daydream. I wish he didn't.

"Oh, sorry. Can you say that once more?"

"Uggh, fine. Kyran I need you to talk to Gold. She seems to really trust you. All you really need to do is watch over her and make sure she doesn't do anything weird. This party might go south if I and Alec are right."

My heart skips a beat at those words. Does she really trust me that much?

"Okay! I can do that easily." I jumped with enjoy.

"Wait party? What party?" I asked.

"Gold is planning a party at her dorms on Sunday, I thought I already explained this" Draco answered.

I shake my head slightly, I wasn't paying attention to anything he said earlier.

"Great, I'll talk to you two later" Draco stood up from his chair and pushed it towards the table. He then waves a few times before leaving me and Alec alone. Awkward once again. Before I get a chance to stand up, Alec is already standing behind me and places his hand on my shoulder. Scaring me, by accident.

"HOLY MAC AND CHEESE!!! Don't do that!" I yelled.

"Shhh." The librarian shh me. Forgot I was in a library.

"Sorry" Alec apologizes and takes my left hand to show me something on his laptop.

"Signs of someone under the effects of a love spell..."

"I saw you weren't paying attention when I and Draco was talking"

"Sorry, I didn't feel like I needed to..." I still don't feel like anyone needs me.

Alec gives me a sad look like he knows what I'm thinking about. Am I that easy to read? Before I can think about it any longer, Alec packs up his things and leave the library, once again I'm left on my own.

{Hope you enjoy this chapter! ٩( )و Thank you so much for reading, I really do appreciate it! Sorry this story is all over the place}

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