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{ Me? A wallflower? I would never. I am the life of the party. You, on the other hand... what are you doing here, hiding in the corner? You are missing all the action. }


"Look! I can see her carriage!" All morning Lucie couldn't sit still. She was jumping up and down in anticipation for her future Parabatai's arrival. She had spent the morning following her brother and the Valez siblings everywhere, talking their ears off. Not that the children minded very much. James was the only one of the three who had previously met the Carstairs girl and he had taken an instant liking towards her, and the Velez siblings couldn't wait to finally meet the girl they had heard so much about.

Ascella gave Lucie's hand a small squeeze. Lucie was standing next to the Valez girl, and behind them was Nash, James and Tessa, all engaged in small talk. They were all terribly excited.

"Cordelia is going to love you Ella, I just know it!" Ascella laughed at the beaming girl as the Carstairs carriage pulled up in front of them.

As soon the carriage came to a stop Lucie ran to greet her friend, pulling the laughing Valez with her, their family following close behind.

Cordelia was the first to tumble from the carriage, her legs weak from hours sitting. Before the girls could even think to react, James was there in an instant, his hand on her arm steadying her.

"Daisy?" he said. "Are you all right?" The two girls shared raised eyebrows at the boy's concern, plans and suspicions brewing.

"Just clumsy. I was hoping for a more gracious arrival." She gave a small smile before looking around.

Lucie couldn't wait any longer as she threw her arms around Cordelia. "I am so very, very delighted to see you! Darling Cordelia, we shall have so much fun-" Ascella didn't hear the rest as her attention turned to the older boy who was making his way from carriage.

"I see you're here, Alastair." James's voice was flat. "And you look-" He hesitated, looking the boy up and down. "You look well," he finished. The boys stared at other in silence and Ascella glanced at her brother. Nash stood to the left of James, clearly uncomfortable, fiddling with the Valez ring. He hadn't spoken a word during the interaction.

Ascella began to walk over to the three boys before Lucie pulled her back. "And this is Ascella Valez, the one from my letters. I know you two will get along just fine."

"Miss Carstairs, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Ascella tore her eyes from her brother to smile politely at the redhead. "It is wonderful to have another girl around. We don't get visitors to often here in London and Lucie talks quite fondly of you."

"Oh, please just call me Cordelia, it's what everyone else does. I have heard so much about you. I simply cannot wait to look around London, everything here is so new and exciting!"

"Lucie, Ella dear, Cordelia and her family have come to London so that the two of you can train together," said Tessa gently. "It will be a great deal of work and responsibility for the both of you."

"Well, you must remember being sixteen yourself, Mrs. Herondale," said Sona. She must have exited the carriage as Ascella was introducing herself to Cordelia as she only just noticed the woman. "Young girls adore dances and dresses. I certainly did when I was their age, and I imagine you did as well."

DELICATE , matthew fairchildWhere stories live. Discover now