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{ "First James aroused me from my nap, then Anna blackmailed me to dance and now you threaten to purée my beautiful feet. Oh dear Raziel, what did I do to deserve such hardships?" }


"Left! I said to go left! Why won't you follow my lead?" Ascella was trying to get her brother to let her lead their current dance whereas Nash was quite determined to do the absolute opposite of what his sister asked.

"Because your lead is amiss and I would rather lead myself. Everyone else is going right, why would we go left?" Ella paused to look around. The stares they were given had only increased with each dance, but in this instance neither Valez really minded. Although neither of the children would ever admit it, they would much prefer disgusted glares due to their horrific dancing then the usual hushed whispers of pitiful adults.

"Well they are all wrong and I am right, mio fratello. I am always right." She attempted to twirl her brother as the boys usually did with their dates, but somehow the two ended in a tangled, laughing heap. Turns out, turns are much harder to do then they look. "Oh, look at Catherine Townsend, she is starting. How jealous she must be of our skills." Catherine Townsend was indeed starting at the two children. Actually she seemed to be starting at something else. Something just past Ascella's shoul-

"Skills? What skills? The only skills you two pose is in clearing people from the dancefloor in fear of being trampled." The music had stopped and the children turned to blonde boy next to them. "But nevertheless, may I steal Ella for the next dance?"


"Sure, if you can handle her. I was planning to find Christopher anyways. Good luck and I bid farewell to your feet. Ella will have certainly squashed them by the next time I see you." Ascella pleaded her brother to stay in every way possible without making it overly obvious to Matthew, even going to the extent of pretending to cut of her own head, but her brother only laughed at her actions, winking as he walked away.

"Please no, Math you are making a terrible mistake. Ash was right for once in his life, your feet will be pureed if you dance with me." If she couldn't get Nash to stay, she could at least try to scare the boy from dancing with her.

"First James aroused me from my nap, then Anna blackmails me to dance and now you threaten to purée my beautiful feet. Oh dear Raziel, what did I do to deserve such hardships?"

"Everything. But anyways, I best be off. Good day my friend." Ascella only took one step away before being pulled back into the arms of the blonde boy. They were much closer than before and she could feel his soft breath on her nose, causing her cheeks to redden.

"A waltz. Oh no, I cannot dance much less waltz." She paled. She had never even attempted a dance like the waltz, only ever watching from the sidelines. "Please save me from certain humiliation. There are many other girls here eager to dance with you Math."

"Are you proposing me to waltz with that nightmare Catherine Townsend and the rest of her gaggle? No way," He laughed. "I would rather swim in the Thames. You cannot be that bad, follow my lead and it will be fine." Ella opened her mouth to counter his statement yet even she knew that there was no use, he had already began pulling her into the dance.

She looked everywhere but his eyes. Her cheeks were red enough feeling his hand soft on her lower back. She tried to follow his lead, mimicking the moments of those around her, cursing herself each time she stepped on Matthew feet. She was a horrible dancer as it was, it was even harder when she refused to met her partners eyes.

DELICATE , matthew fairchildWhere stories live. Discover now