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{  "Where is he, then? Did you bury his body in the park somewhere?" }


Ascella and Lucie sat together in the drawing room. The older girl was perched upon a corner chair as the younger sat by her feet, legs crossed beneath her. Ascella's fingers worked their way effortlessly through her sisters silky brown hair, still damp from her bath. The girl had almost finished braiding and twisting the hair into an elegant bun, away from Lucie's neck. The Valez girl knew just how much Lucie hated her hair hanging low, always complaining about how it made her neck hot and sticky, obstructing her vision.

The girls always fell into the very same routine whenever an outing occurred. Both girls made sure to get ready quick before meeting each other in the drawing room. Ascella would then do Lucie's hair while the Herondale girl worked on her collection of proses. She would often read them aloud to Ascella, asking her for her advice and feedback on Princess Cordelia's adventures before showing her future Parabatai.

As Ascella pinned the last loose braid into place she decided to break the comfortable silence. Her curiosity from the previous night had finally overtaken her. "Where were you last night Lu?"

Lucie looked up from her writing, her glaze still faraway as if she was seeing a world other then the one she was in. "What? Last night?" The Herondale girl blinked a few times as if to bring herself back to reality, "Last night I was at the party? With you?" Her words sounded more like questions then answers.

"No, I couldn't find you. Nor could Cordelia. You disappeared part way into the evening," she paused. "You know, you could've at least taken me with you, I was itching for an excuse to leave. Even if it was to accompany you to the restroom, I would've gladly complied." Lucie seemed to paled, her look yet again faraway, but this time it looked like she was contemplating something. The Valez girl begin to fear she said something wrong. It was clearly nothing. After all, she was only gone for 10 minutes, most likely to powder her nose. She was joking when she asked Lucie why she didn't take her with her. She shouldn't have said anything. A minute passed and it seemed Lucie had made up her mind.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you." The older girl's eyes studied her sisters face carefully, although unsure of what she was searching for.

"Was it a boy?" The girl was only jesting, hoping to defuse the awkwardness, however Ascella soon gasped as she noticed the spreading blush across Lucie's cheeks. "Oh my goodness! Yo-"

The girls stopped short as the drawing rooms door opened with a sudden force. Nash and James had finally found there way to the drawing room, both having made themselves look as presentable as possible. Nash's top had no peculiar stains and James' hair was carefully combed. It was a truly unusual sight.

"Luce, Ella! Are you ready? We really must get going before we are late." The girls rolled their eyes playfully at each other. The boys always spent the longest getting ready and yet somehow it was always the girls faults when they were ultimately late.

"Says the ones who spent so long getting ready. We have been waiting here since half past." 

"If only James hadn't spent ten years admiring his reflection we may have left on time for once." James playfully shoved the Valez boy who only gave his signature grin.  "Who are you trying to impress anyways?" The girls glanced at each other again. They had their suspicions as to why he was dressed up so nice.

The four children began hurrying to the carriage, but it wasn't before Ascella pulled Lucie to the side, whispering excitedly in her ear, my dear sorella, you must tell me everything about your mystery boy when we get home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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