_Chapter 17_

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//AN// Just a random pic😂 anyways...
•Jess POV•
I squinted my eyes open but it was mostly blurry. I rubbed my eyes and then everyone stopped talking. It wasn't blurry anymore but I didn't see Luke.
"Oh my god Jess your awake!" Sage exclaimed. I nodded my head weakly.
"Whe-Where's Luke?" I studdered
"He had to um go get something" Calum answered.
"I'm going to get a doctor" Ashton said. And he walked out the door with Sage.
"So how are you feeling?" Mikey asked.
"I don't know what happened." I answered. Then a nurse walked in.
"So you're awake"she smiled.
"What uh happened to me?" I asked
"Well you had a panic attack once you got home to you're house." she answered.
"What about my dad?" I asked
"Well I would talk to your mum about that" Mikey answered. "I can go get her, She's down the hall" He added. I nodded my head and he left. About a minute later Calums phone began to ring. "I'll be right back." he said as he shuffled out to the hall. I could barley hear him.
"Dude she's awake. You better get back." Calum said to whoever was on the line.
"Yeah" Calum said again
"Mmhm" He mumbled
"Okay bye" He said as he ended the call and walked back in. My mum followed.
"Oh Jess." She said. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.
"What happened to dad?" I asked trying to hold back the tears that wanted to spill.
"Well turns out he just had a mini heart attack. But he's um.. he's also diagnosed with Cancer." She said as a tear fell out of her eye. By now it was just my mum. Everyone else had quietly left the room. I was trying to hold back the buckets of tears that were about to come out of my eyes, but I couldn't help it. We sat there for a few minutes until my mum said that she would give me some time alone. I sat there sobbing. How long until he passes? Who would walk me down the aisle at my wedding one day? Who would be like a father to me? How long has he been diagnosed with cancer? I was to worried thinking about all of these things, that I didn't notice Luke walk in.
"Hey babe, How you feeling" He said as he sat down next to me and wiped the tears from my face.
"I've honestly felt better but.." I answered. He laughed and then kissed me which always made me feel better. "I love you" I said
"Love you too" he answered. Then a nurse walked in.
"Your much better now, but you're going to have to go home tomorrow morning." She said and then checked my temperature.((Idek😂)) After that she wrote something down and left the room.
"I heard about you're dad I'm so sorry" He said quietly and pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest and he said "Its gonna be alright."
•Kate's POV•
So Calum and I went to the doctor a few days ago. We decided we wanted to find out the gender for our baby. Calum was actually excited to find out what our baby was. I was around 3 months now and my morning sickness was at its worse. I really hated this stage but honestly, I can't wait for this thing to just be out already. Our baby is in good condition and it's also healthy. I felt bad for Calum because he kept staying with me wherever I went. He would miss band practices, hanging with the boys, and even school. My parents didn't care but they were just my adoptive parents. I was really willing to find my biological parents one day. But they left me for a reason. They were only 16. Calums parents were supportive and caring about everything. My friends were helpful and were always there. I have a feeling this baby's gonna be in great hands. I had a small bump but it wasn't big. At least not yet. When Jess gets out of the hospital me and the girls are going baby shopping. Maddies been gone for almost a week now and it seems weird without her and Ross around. It's just me, Brooke, Sage, Jaclyn and Jess. But to be honest it's less crowded around. Jeez 2 people make a big difference. Maddie said she would visit when I had the baby. Speaking of baby... We found out that our little Hood is going to be a _____!!

I feel evil😂
bye now💙

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