Chapter 19 I want to run away from all my troubles

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Chapter 19 I want to run away from all my troubles

Her face goes blank.  She goes pale.  I freak out!  What if she faints or something?  I won't know what to do!  I might be in worse shape than her if that occurs. 

I calmly place my hand on her shoulder.  "Sit, sit" I request to her.  She follows as I asked.  She sits in the grass a balanced distance from graves that are all around us.  I slowly sit right next to her starting to think, I hope I'm not sitting where there is a decade body under me.  But I shake the fear off.                                                                                                                                                                                

I just look at her where I can see she's calming down.  Her face is gaining its color back to normal.  I start to feel a little better.  After a while passes, she murmurs in such a low voice I have to lean in to where she is to hear her.  Her face is tilted to the ground and she's fiddling with some grass beneath her.  "How'd you know?" I can hear a pinch of crying from her voice.  

A gush of guilt over powers me.  I asked her such a personal question that I probably don't need to know.  I just met this little girl.  After the guilt settles into me another emotion comes to me, fear.  Fear for this little girl, on what she's had to live through.      

I can't even imagine.                                    

I try to decide my words carefully, but I feel as either way I'm somehow going to say the wrong thing.  "Because, when Damon and I were going out he told me something's about yours and his father.  He told me an awful story one time, a true story, a story that he lived through.  He told me something's that his dad to him.  Some not so pretty things.                            

"He told me that if he ever found out that his dad was hurting you, or any of his other siblings, like he did to him when he was younger child   or worse, he would fight for you guys.  Especially if he sexually abused you. . ." I start to drift off to when he told me all his history.  And then getting back into this century, I get scared I said too much.

"How'd daddy hurt Damon?" she queries looking up to face me.                

"I don't know if I need to get into that with you, just I will say one time it got so bad he had to be in the hospital for two weeks."                              

"Really?  Two weeks isn't a short time"  

"Yea, really" I say dropping my face thinking just on how it was when Damon was still around.  

"What are you going to do?" Natalya breaks the silence after a few minutes. 

 "I don't know yet . . ." I retort in full honesty. 

 "Don't get daddy in trouble!" she tells me. 

 "Why?" I ask confused.   

  "Because, I love my daddy, and I don't want him to be taken away from me."  

 "But, hasn't your dad hurt you!?" I raise my hands up trying to show her it's not a good thing.  

She doesn't answer.  

 I place my hands over her little once and raise her head up.  "What all has your dad done to you and your other family members?" 

She shakes her head in no response. 

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