NCT U;When you wanna ride the roller coaster with them

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'From Home' Unit

You loved roller coasters ever since you were a kid. Today you came to a date with your boyfriend at the amusement park & ask him to go to the ride along with you.

-Is scared & nervous.
-Wants to say no but driven by your cuteness, doesn't.
-Awkwardly smiles while waiting on the line.
-Closes his eyes when it goes down.
-After the ride's over, he promises himself to never ride it again.

-Asks you instead.
-More excited than ever.
-Big smile always on cause he's just too much excited.
-The ride starts & ends & he's still smiling.
-Wants to go on it again & again.

-Takes a look at the roller coaster first.
-If it's a small or medium one then it's okay.
-But say's no instantly when he see's a big one.
-Get's convinced anyway.
-Holds your hand & doesn't wanna let go even after getting off.

-Panicked rabbit.
-"But I wanna ride it with you~~"
-"Firstly No & secondly NO!!"
-Doesn't ride it & doesn't let you ride it either.
-Buys ice-cream when you get angry for not letting you go too.

-Another scaredy-cat.
-Doesn't even get near it.
-"Let's go to the roller coaster ride!"
-"Roller coaster? There's no roller coaster here."
-"There it is."
- Pulls you to other rides & foods to get you distracted.

-Agrees like it's nothing.
-But lowkey scared.
-"Wanna ride the roller coaster?"
-"Oh yeah sure. What's so special about that." *Flips hair*
-After the ride begins holds your hand & squeezes it so damn tightly like bruh-
-Screams his lungs out.
-Tries to look cool after the ride ends.
-Changes the topic whenever you tease him about it.

-You both wanna go on it.
-Impatient boy.
-Screams like there's no tomorrow.
-"Let's ride it again~!"
-After the 5th time, almost throws up.
-You two had to delay the date cause his head was spinning.
-Still wants to ride it again.



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