Chapter 2

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Zoey's P.O.V

Me and Lia were getting our books at our locker. When is school over?" I asked. Lia closed her locker. "We have one more class.".

There was an awkward silence. "Oh" I replied. "I'll see you after class then" I said. I started walking away. 'That was weird.' I thought to myself 'It never get's that awkward between us'. I looked behind me to see if Lia was still there. She was walking to her class. For some reason It made me think back to when we were little kids again. We would play outside a lot, We played so much that we had a limited time to play together. We would always be covered in dirt when we came inside.

I was so deep in thought that I ran right into Milly. "HEY! WATCH IT YOU JERK!" She yelled. "I didn't do it on purpose!" I yelled back. I looked next to her. She was standing with her club, They were all giving me mean looks. I didn't know what to do. I was all alone nether Drew or Lia were with me. So I just ignored them and kept walking to class. They all looked confused as they watched me leave.

Lia's P.O.V

Zoey has been very weird lately. But it's not her normal weird. as I was walking to class I saw a Pinkish haired boy. It was drew. I didn't have much time before my next class but I decided to go talk to him anyways. "Oh, hey Lia" Drew said. "Where were you this morning?" I replied back. Drew looked down at his feet. "I can't really tell you because you would gossip about it." Drew said with a slightly annoyed look. "I can keep a secret!" I yelled back in annoyance. Drew looked at me with a questioning look. "Fine. But you can't tell Zoey!"

That hit me like a ton of bricks. I tell Zoey everything, She's my best friend. I started debating what to do in my head. I hope it's nothing bad..

"Yeah okay, I wont tell Zoey" I said. "Good." He replied back. Drew looked right at me "Do you know anything about what Zoey does after school?" He asked. Uh oh, this could get bad. "Um, no. I don't" I said awkwardly. "Oh, well then this will be new to you." OH GOD. OH GOD. OH GOD. "Zoey's cheating    on me." Drew said well looking at the floor. I felt extremely bad for him. Drew looked up at the clock. "Oh. We should get to class now." Drew looked back at me. "Bye Lia." He said. "Bye." I replied back.

Zoey's P.O.V

The bell rang. I was wondering if Lia had gotten to class. After I sat down I snuck my phone under my desk to text her.


Me: Hey
Lia: hi
Me: did u get to class?
Lia: Yeah
Me: good lol
Lia: yeah lol, I'll text you after class Buh bye
Me: bye

I'm glad Lia was my friend. She's always there for me. I put my phone away. 'Maybe I should pay attention in this class' I laughed to myself. The teacher started talking about a writing assignment. This should be easy, I'm good at writing. We got the paper from the back of the room and started writing.
It felt like I was writing for hours. So many thoughts cross through my mind as I'm writing but before I knew it the bell rang.

Best Friends?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora