Imagine Joel coming home to Tess and their daughter

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Summery:Joel comes home to Tess and their daughter after a long day of work

Word count: 410

Joel came home and plopped down on the couch dropping his bags at the door after a long day of complete bullshit, he had gone out to do a mission but was stood up once again. He came home after 4 hours and was completely done with everything, he looked around the room wondering where his wife had possibly gone. He closed his eyes and layed back for a while "oh hi you're home" he heard Tess say and smiled a little. When he opened his eyes she was taking a seat next to him holding their baby all swaddled, he couldn't help but to smile at the scene in front of him "look at how cute she is" Tess said as she held their baby "she looks angry" Joel laughed and looked at her "she can't be angry at me I gave her life" Tess laughed and held the baby close to her chest. Joel rested his head on his wife's shoulder while she held their baby and smiled at her "she's perfect" he whispered "she really is" Tess said as she kissed the top of his head and rubbed their baby's back "I think you should let her out of that blanket prison" Joel laughed "it was the only way I could get her to stop crying, you left and she started crying so I distracted her with a new struggle" Tess smirked "ya can't just distract her with struggles, don't want her ending up like you" he laughed and she hit his shoulder lightly. Joel took his daughter and put her on the sofa while he unwrapped her from the tight swaddle she was in, the small baby yawned and stretched her tiny feet and arms out "the little burrito baby is free, be free Madelyn make a run for it" Joel smiled and gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek. She made a weird face because of the feeling of his beard to her cheek but soon after realized who it was. The small baby smiled and cooed at her father, he picked her up and she giggled "that kid has favorites" Tess laughed "she does not" Joel said and kissed his wife "I love you" he smiled and she looked at him trying to fight back the smile that was creeping up "I love you too idiot"

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