Imagine JJ spending the day Jesse

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Summery: JJ goes over to his dad's house for the weekend and they just hang out

Word count: 302

Ellie knocked on Jesse's door and he ran over to the door to answer "here you go sir one child" she laughed and the five year old boy waved at his father "hey buddy" Jesse smiled seeing his son again from last weekend "thanks Ellie" he smiled at his friend "yeah no problem i mean he is your son you deserve to see him to" she smiled and Jesse hugged her "alright buddy I'll be back on Sunday to pick you up" she leaned down and hugged JJ and he hugged back "ok mama" he smiled and walked over to his dad. Jeese walked over to the table and dumped out a bag of random McDonald's food "now we eat my son,but don't tell your mom i fed you McDonalds for breakfast she'll kill me" he said and JJ giggled "it's ok daddy" he said and ate his food, Jesse and JJ ate their food and JJ talked about his wild week and what he did with his moms the whole week while Jesse sat there and listened with a giant grin on his face. After they finished eating Jesse cleaned up "so what do you wanna do now buddy?" He asked "can we watch a movie?" JJ asked "uhh yeah we can watch a movie,what movie?" He asked and sat down on his hard sofa "cars!" He squealed and sat beside his dad "again?! We watched that last weekend" he laughed but turned on the T.V anyway and started the movie. Midway into the movie JJ laid his head on Jesse's lap and Jesse just smiled, eventully they both fell asleep before the movie ended and they just stayed there.

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