Imagine Joel getting high with Ellie

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Summary: Ellie and Joel had a rough patrol and Ellie has an idea (strictly platonic dudes get your mind outta there)

Word count: 388

Joel and Ellie sat on the sofa in Joel's house for what was suppose to be a movie night after a stressful patrol when Ellie pulled at a bag with a few blunts in it "woah woah woah kiddo what is that" Joel asked as he looked over at the young girl "it's weed Joel, you've been stressed and so have i so i decided we could try it out" Ellie smiled and took two blunts out of the bag and handed one to the older man "you act like you've done this before... wait you've done this before haven't you" he asked already knowing the answer. Ellie just nodded and lit both her and Joel's blunts "i don't even know what to do with this" he said looking at it lit in his hand "ok watch me" Ellie said as she took a drag from her blunt and turned her head to blow the smoke out away from Joel's face "just breath it in and then exhale" she said and smiled. Joel nodded and tried it himself, after his first hit he started going off in a coughing fit and Ellie just sat there and laughed "why the hell would you make me do that" he asked her "you'll get use to it but you will love the feeling it gives you" she said taking another hit at it again "fine i suppose i trust you" he said and smoked it again. After a while Joel felt calmer for the first time in 25 years and he leaned back on his sofa just taking the feeling in,he didn't feel stressed or tense he just felt calm so damn calm he couldn't believe it "this is wonderful" he said "i know" Ellie smiled and leaned back "i feel free and alive" he laughed, Ellie just looked at him in disbelief, did Joel just laugh? Joel being calm and smiling this was something else. She smiled and looked at him and he looked back and smiled at her "thank you kiddo" he smiled and hugged her, she sat there for a bit but hugged him back. This was a moment she would remeber forever.

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