Plan In Place

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I run to the ship, being as quick as I can to not disturb the others. When I arrive, Ben is already standing ready for me. 


"Where do I need to go?"

"Follow me." We run back through the dark and gloomy woods until we have the base in our sight. Luckily, no one was wandering around when we arrived. I whisper to ben, "Stay here until I make sure the coast is clear." He nods. When I step into the Falcon, there is silence. Nothing but my footsteps makes a sound. I walk around for a bit to double-check and then encourage him in. 

He follows silently until we find what we presume is a closet. But before he gets inside, we hear footsteps. 

"Get in!" I say as quiet as possible. We struggle to open the door. Oh god, there's a lock. Why the hell is there a lock on a closet? 


They are getting closer. Adrenaline floods my system. It pumps and beats like it's trying to escape - as am I. I think my heart will explode and my eyes are wide with fear. My body wants to either run fast for the safety of the woods or to Leia's room, but instead I remain where I am. Let's face it, there are really only two things I can do: Get the damn door open and pray no one kills Ben. He is fiddling with the lock and is pulling on the door with all his might.


Another step closer.


And another.


I hear the lock break. Thank god. 


Ben frantically opens the door and pulls me in, closing the door after. We catch our breaths but stay quiet. We hear the footsteps pass but I cannot tell who they are. 

I open the door and sneak out, being as quiet as possible. 


The footsteps are back. Well here goes nothing - I walk towards the sound. A figure emerges from the shadows. I hold my breath. "Rey?" 


"He's here, isn't he?" I nod, looking at the closet. "Go tell the ones outside to come in here and I'll wake the others." 

I run to the camp and wake them with a sense of urgency, as if there were something wrong. None question me, but their faces say different. "Everyone's here." I tell Chewie who starts the engine.

"Where are we going?" Poe asks as soon as he has the chance. "Moving base."

"Where to?" Leia calls from across the room, "Endor system."

Still puzzled, he walks off and Leia comes over. "Go tell him we're going, I'm sure he's already bored knowing him." I chuckle and do as she says.

Previously I thought someone would kill Ben but now I've calmed and can see the closet. There are many capes. Colours ranging from red to purple to yellow. Every colour you could imagine had its own cape. 

I don't even notice Ben sitting in the corner for a couple of seconds. "What's going on out there?"  He jerks me back to my senses. 

"Uh, we're going to the Endor system. Apparently, Leia has friends there."

He smirks and asks, "What about the people?" 

"We're going to show you in an hour, so they can't do anything." He nods, probably imagining the brutal death that may come. Though I try not to think in that mindset.

"I'm cold." 

"Grab a cape and come here." I get a random red cape and go to snuggle up against him. My head fits perfectly in the crook of his neck. My eyes close and I relax - thinking about the fact that I'm in love with him. 

 He never leaves my mind, he's always there; mentally if not physically. It's incomprehensible. He's my one stable force, my one stability in a world filled with chaos and I so desperately need that in my life. I love him so much for that. I'm in love with him and I can't believe I've only now realised it. 

 This feeling is so strange; it stretches throughout my whole body. It's overwhelming, yet makes me feel complete. It feels as though I'm in a dangerous fire, yet I'm completely safe at the same time. It feels as though someone's given me peace. It feels as though my heart is dancing around my chest; and a hole, I was never aware was there, has been filled. I feel so light, like I'm on top of the world yet my heart is constricting from the fear of the resistance. It's strange – frightening even – how you can go from someone being an enemy to then being completely amazed by them and wondering how it ever was that you were able to live without them. Because I'm sure as hell I couldn't imagine being without him now.

I know most people would consider me to be foolish and naïve, but it's true when I say that I love him more than I could ever love myself. He's been there with me through it. All my life we've had a bond but didn't know it until now. It's as if the force wants us together and won't stop until it happens. I'm not arguing or anything, don't get me wrong. It's just a strange feeling that I've never felt before. Sure I loved my parents but that was thirteen years ago so it's a new feeling again. 

A knock on the door wakes me up. I shush Ben and slowly make my way to the door - opening it a crack. "Leia! Do you want me to distract them while you're gone?" She nods and I slip out leaving Ben to her. 

I talk to Finn, Poe and Chewie in the time that Leia is gone. She's only around ten minutes but I see tears in her eyes when she comes over with Ben. Here we go. 

No one notices him for a while but then when they do, they do not go down without a fight. 

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