Cold Blood

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Unknown POV~

I've watched this sort of thing go on for a while, Scarlet being pushed around and all, but she always seems to ignore it. I wonder if this'll be the same. She's just sitting there in silence, but she seems to be caught in deep thought. Well, I guess I'm gonna go see what's up.

"Hey" I said, trying to act oblivious.

"Hmm" Was all she managed to say, as if something was wrong.

"You OK?"

"Yeah" She said, although she was clearly not.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Do you want to help me with something?" She asked suddenly.

"Whatcha need help with???" I asked with curiosity.

"Oh I've got something planned for Peter is all." She said with a laugh which I assumed to come from Raven, her homicidal alter ego, seeing as how it was a very psychotic laugh.

"I'm in. What's the plan?"

As she explained to me the plan I became certain that this, in fact, was Raven. It was going to be fun. She's going to lock him in her torture chamber 20 feet underground, and hold him down while I strap him on the torture bed,hack off his legs and cut holes strategically placed in his torso to where he won't bleed to death, then she's going to fill the holes with Egyptian Skin Eating Beetles and stitch up the wounds enough to stop the bleeding,and for the finale, I'm going to bury him up to his neck, but that's only after I grind off all of his fingers one by one, then we're going to give him a choice of either eating his severed limbs or starving, and after he makes his choice, he will eat them either way, she's going to burn off his eyelids and put a plastic box (with holes in it) full of scorpions over his head and let them finish him off slowly. After we do that we'll leave for a few days and come back to cover the body completely. She's even got a date that's perfect, her birthday.

"You're a genius!" She said suddenly.

"What???" I asked, unsure of what I'd done.

"Raven just have me an idea." And with that she ran down the road. This wasn't very odd for her though.
Crap! I forgot to figure out what was wrong! I'll have to figure it out later. I thought to myself. Oh well, it's time to go find my next little project...No. I have to fight the urge to just kill people mercilessly...right?

"God, you look like you're just about ready to kill someone." Someone said, but when I looked around I saw nothing. That's because I am. I thought.

"Well you shouldn't go around doing that." The voice said. Again I looked around and still nothing. What the hell?
"Oh, no use in trying to find me, I'm speaking telepathically from a very long way away." The voice said and laughed. Telepathically??? Not possible.
"Yes it is." It said as if it'd heard my thoughts.

"I did hear your thoughts."

"STOP THAT!" I yelled, and people from across the street just stared.

"You may not want to do that, unless you want to look crazy" It said. "Just think what you wanna say." Ok. That's easy enough, now who are you?

"You'll find out in due time, my dear child." Ok if you can really read my mind what are both of my names?
"Everyone except Scarlet calls you Death." Ok, now my birth name.


A/n hey there guys! It's been a while. Anyway some loose ends will be tied up next chapter, and I wonder will Peter die? Will he somehow survive and escape? You'll just have to wait and see. >:) hehehehe

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