A Tale of Misfortune

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Peter's POV~

Today is February 11th, Scarlet's birthday. Maybe I'll write her on Face Messaging. Maybe that's not a good idea. I'm just gonna walk to Beth's place and hang out there...or maybe I'll go over to my other girlfriend's house.

...so hard to choose...should I chose Beth or Ameana? ...Meana it is.

As I stepped out the door what once was a beautiful sunny day, turned into pouring rain and fierce winds. Great! I thought. Guess I'll take the short route. I turned and went for the woods, but as I did so I saw her. The one I must now call Master. She beckoned me over to her. So I obediently walked towards her.

"Ah, Peter" She said "long time, no see." I just noticed the boy with her had his arm wrapped protectively around her waist, and she seemed to be enjoying it. I don't like this!

"Is there something you want?" I asked irritability.

"Do. Not. Ever. Use. That. Tone. With. Me. Boy." She said commandingly. I couldn't do anything except obey, even though I tried to make a retort.

"Yes ma'am" Was all I could say when I tried.

"Why did you let him know we were here, also why the hell is he acting like that???" The boy said.

"Hush Kev- I mean Death, I know what I'm doing." She said tolerantly.

"If you're sure." The boy- Death said.

"I am dear, just wait your turn."

"Alright." He said reluctantly.

"I'm sorry but what exactly is going on? I'm completely lost..." I said.

"You will come with me." She said. Suddenly I was following her and the boy named Death. As we walked through the woods I was given another command.

"Would. You. Keep. Up." She said irritability. And so I sped up. As we went there was slowly something appearing in the distance, it was some kind of...stairwell. Why would there be a stairwell in the middle of the forest? This really can't be good. I started sweating with fear. I really shouldn't do this, but...

"Where are we going?" I asked hoping for a response.

"You're not to ask any further questions." My master commanded me. I was really starting to feel the fear coursing through my body. We went down the stairwell for a good twenty or so feet. Can I please rest? Hello?
"Wait, I'm not speaking." I said.

"Yes you are." Death said like it was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard. Wait, why didn't you hear me then?

"Oh! I tried to ask a question." I said.

"What? Are you on something?" Death asked.

"I ordered him not to ask questions." She said in response.

"Oh" He said finally realizing.

"Yeah, stupid." I said with a smart tone. I realized my mistake faster than I could stop myself. He swung I flinched, but she was faster than he was and stopped his fist with a movement faster than I could follow.

"Don't strike him." She said flatly.

"But Scar- I mean Raven!" He pleaded. She only shot him a scowl in response. He stopped.

"And you." She said in a low tone. Uh oh. "Do. Not. Ever. I. Repeat. Ever. Talk. To. Him. Like. That." Oh now I've done it, if she wasn't going to kill me before she sure is now. She led us down a corridor and into a large room with a dirt floor, and a...Oh no there's a torture table...and it's...It's stained with blood.

"Lie down on that bed and place your wrists, ankles and torso in the restraints, and do not move while Death here straps you in." She commanded. I obeyed before I even knew what I was doing. I'm strapped to a table, I cannot move, and I'm probably about to be in a world of pain.

"Kevin, dear will you please go and get the supplies? Oh! And make sure to get ALL of the adrenaline shots, wouldn't want our guest to miss any of the fun." Scarlet said.

"I'll be right back, oh and what happened to you calling me Death in front of the victims?" He asked.

"That's only till they're strapped down and can't get away." She replied. When he returned he had a caddy with all sorts of weapons and covered jars and boxes. I was so wrong about exactly how much pain I was going to feel... All of the sudden I felt something I've never felt before, it was worse than pain, this was...there isn't any word to describe this feeling. At the same time I heard someone scream and I wondered if there where others here, but then I realized it had been my screams that I heard. The feeling didn't stop, but it started fading away, no I was fading away into darkness, but then I felt them insert something into my throat and the feeling intensified again, only then did I realize I was being cut into pieces. My legs were being slowly hacked off from the knee down. It took so so long and I faded in and out as the adrenaline kept me awake. It finally ended after what seemed to be hours later. Then, Death picked up a scalpel and began slicing deep holes in my torso. Again my agonizing screams echoed through the room, and then...laughter...Scarlet was laughing. She came over with one of the covered jars and inserted the rim into one of the holes Death had made. I heard a lighter and then I felt it, dozens of insects crawling into me as I cried out in pain. They began to eat me from the inside out. There was so much pain. Pain. I love pain. It's so much better than the other feeling. Scarlet continued to do this until there was only a large box left, as well as continuously inject me with adrenaline. After she finished she began stitching and coderizing the wounds shut. Then Death came over with an odd looking machine.

"Keep your fingers apart." Scarlet said. I obeyed, and again she injected adrenaline. That feeling came back and I screamed with tears streaming down my face as he, very slowly, grinded every last one of my fingers off. There's a hole in the dirt...Shit!...They unstrapped me.

"Get up and walk over to the hole, then jump in and stand straight." Scarlet commanded. I obeyed, I had no choice. With every move I made I felt both pain and the other terrible feeling. I cried out as I did what I was told. I fought so freaking hard to just collapse, but I couldn't...I was again injected. When I finally made it to my hole Death started burying me. They're going to bury me alive! I was surprised when they didn't cover my neck or head.

"You have two options either eat your own severed limbs, or starve. Now answer."

I slurred as I said "Starve."

"WRONG ANSWER!" She laughed as she force fed me my own limbs. After a while, she tools them away. She then walked over to the caddy, grabbed the box, which was full of scorpions, and set it in Death's hands. She then burned off my eyelids, retrieved the box, and placed it on my head. They immediately started attacking, but it was relieving because not only did Raven and Death leave, but pain felt a whole lot better than the other feeling. After a while I faded into complete darkness.

A/n hey guys gruesome chapter I know, but awesome right???
Until next time

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