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Disclaimer: All the characters in this story and creative names/objects belong to Jk.Rowling. I don't own anything except the 2 characters, Gabriella (Gabs) and Emma (Ems).

Gabriella Stevens (malfoy)


July 2

She can take a lot of jokes and likes to mess aroun but is protective of Ems. She can stubborn at times but it all eases away after a while. She always puts others before herself. She cries when shes, upset, worried or sad. She is sweet and will understand someone so easily. She is self conscious and is insecure about how she looks. She is worried about what people might think of her because of who her father is.

Info: she is a witch and went to Hogwarts and became best friends with the golden trio, although Ron is her main best friend. Her brother, Draco Malfoy, lived at Malfoy mannor aswell but she got kicked out when she became pregnant with ems. She lives in a small apartment in digaon alley, and works at the leaky cauldron. She wishes to always keep her daughter protected.

Likes:  joking around, singing, playing games, messing around, pizza and being a child.

Dislikes: blood, violence, her father, leaving her daughter alone, not being able to protect her daughter, being told she is a bad mum.

Other:  when she went to live in digaon alley she wanted to change her name as it reminded her of her father too much and she didn't want her father or death eaters finding her, so she changed it to: Stevens.

Emma rose Stevens:

january 7

Personality: sweet, smart, knows more than what you expect a 3 year old would, helpful, mature for a 3 year old, knows the difference between when things are fun and when things are serious. Shy, loves to joke around with gabs. Easy to talk to, wont judge, cute and adorable.

She doesn't know her father, or her grandparents. Just knows her mother.

Likes:  laughing, messing around, strawberries, chocolate! Playing with magic, colouring and dancing.

Dislikes:  the darkness, seeing her mum get hurt, spiders and snakes.

Other:  she is also magic like her mother and gabs hopes that one day ems will receive her hogwarts letter! She loves using her magic but doesn't see the potential harm it could cause, as she is only 3 she can't do advance magic like gabs. Yet gabs still told her to only use magic when necessary.

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