5. star gazing

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, objects etc. All credit goes to J.K.Rowling, however I did own Gabriella (Gabs) and Emma (Ems). This book does contain spoilers so if you don't want them don't read yet!

Ems and I walked down the rickety stairs, quickly slipping into Ginnys room unnoticed. Mrs.Weasley, Rom and Fleur were in the kitchen, so they didn't see Emma and I covered in paint. However it didn't stop the fact that Ginny had saw us, because as soon as we went into her room she was laying on her bed reading and looked up at us with a weird look.

"What the bloody hell happened to you?" She asked slightly concerned. Emma responded for the both of us.

"We got into a paint fight with Georgie and Freddie!" She exclaimed to Ginny.

"A paint fight with fred and George? You know it's not that hard to believe since you are both covered in paint. Hope mum doesn't find out though, she'll have a fit" Ginny told us.

"We just escaped them muppets and managed to get in here unseen, is it alright if we use your shower?" I asked her.

"Gabs, you don't have to ask to use the shower. You've been here so much my room is practically yours. Although I do want details on this paint war after." she said to us. I blushed. I knew she was talking about George. She seemed to have this crazy idea that I like him. I mean yes I knew him at Hogwarts but hom and Fred always pranked me and Ron, they were never nice to me! Emma and I went into the bathroom. I helped ems wash and then took a shower myself.

After I finished washing, I stepped out having the towel wrapped round my body. I the realised I left my clothes in Ginnys room. "Sorry i left my clothes in here." I said and Ginny was reading ro Ems.

"Oh dont worry, we are all girls here" Ginny said to me. "Mum went out and bought you some new clothes." I looked at the clothes Mrs.Weasley had bought me, I would have to thank her later as these were much more my style. I grabbed some underwear, a nice pair of blue jeans and a red long sleeved shirt.

Ginny, emma and I were mostly in our room for the day. Mostly because we were all tired and didnt feel like leaving the room. Me and Ginny spoke whilst Emma coloured/drew. Ginny wouldnt stop talking about my other best friend Harry Potter, she was literally in love with him. She told me about how much so called brother Draco had bullied her and I felt like I had to apologise since he was my brother. She kept saying it wasnt my fault, that I was nothing like him. We spoke for another 30mins after that and then Mrs.Weasley called.

"Ah, Gabriella. Do you like the clothes I got you?" Asked Mrs.Weasley.

"Yes I do they are lovely Mrs.Weasley thank you ever so much!" She smiled saying to call her Molly as I was basically a weasley now anyway with being so close to Ron. I sat down next to Emma and everyone already at the table except for George and fred. Even Mr.Wealsey, Bill and Percy were back from work.

"So did you have a nice day?" Mr.Weasley asked. Suddenly there was a pop.

"You both! You don't have to apparate everywhere just because you can" molly yelled as both of the twins started laughing as they took their seats. George next to me and Fred next to Emma.

I looked next to me at Emma to see her beaming as she spoke to the twins, ron, ginny anyone! This is what it feels like to have a caring family huh? I mean yeah I have dinner all the time with Ems and I love her very much but no one usually ate with us. Now this, this was a loving caring family. The burrow was always my 2nd home.

As everyone had finally finished Molly levitate the plates over to the sink. Ron went back upstairs to do whatever he does up there when I'm not with him. Ginny went to her room to read. George and Fred went upstairs after them. Fleur and Bill went off and Emma went upstairs with Ginny. After 10 mins I went upstairs and tucked ems into bed. Got changed myself and Ginny ahd fallen asleep so I was left to think on my own.

I decided to go downstairs and into the garden. There was no longer the loud family, none of the excitement. I walked through the living room tip toeing and made my way outside for air. The cold air hit my legs and sent shivers down my spine. I took in my surroundings and sat down.

"Love?" I heard a familiar low voice speak softly. George Weasley. "What are you doing out here?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Just to think and I needed some air" I told him smiling.

"Be careful the garden gnomes might get you" he told me.

"Ugh! George! Not funny!" I said as I walked him playfully. "Why are you our here Mr.Weasley?

"I believe the name is George weasley. Funniest guy you have ever met. Best twin." He told me smirking. "But to answer your question, I came down to get some water and i saw the door open just wanted to make sure no one was breaking in. Then I saw you. So I came to keep you company." he said smiling.

I blushed slightly. "Sorry I didnt mean to leave the door open; I just wanted to look at the stars and moon" I told him.

"You know you're a lot like the moon" he said to me.

"Really? How?" I asked.

"Well you're both mysterious, bright, beautiful. So I can understand why you like it so much." He told me sitting down.

"Uhm thank you...?" I said/asked.

"George. Why are you being so friendly to me? I mean you used to prank me and ron all the time" I asked him breaking the silence.

"Gabs, I friendly to you because you are a sweet girl. If you hadn't been at Hogwarts I would have no one to prank with ron and it would have been very boring. Anyways I know you are fussed about being a malfoy but when I look at you I only see Gabs. Not you evil twisted brother or manic father." He said smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Thank you George. You have been really good to Ems and I. You have no idea how much she likes you. You are going to make some girl very lucky one day." As I turned my gaze back to the sky I heard him mutter something. "Sorry what?" I asked.

"N-nothing" he said smiling.

I smiled as I looked back at the sky. When I say some girl George; I hope its me because right now I'm happiest I have ever been. I then felt my head lean against Georged shoulder and fell asleep.

"Closer to you" I muttered.

Hope you enjoyed<3

The burrow With A ChaseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora