Chapter One: Something Isn't Right on the Arronax

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A/N Hi! (author squeals with excitement) This is my first ever fanfiction! I have been reading for awhile and wanted to get in on the action. As said in the description, this starts just a few weeks after Season 3. I am not sure how often I will post chapters, mostly just when I'm inspired. I'll do my best to respond to reviews! Warning: Dangerous Cliffhangers Ahead

The alarm clock on the Aronnax read 4 AM, and, as most people do at 4 AM, the Nektons were asleep. All except for Kaiko. Call it a mother's instinct, but she felt that there was something just off. All was not right on the Aronnax. Wearing her Nekton pajamas, which had their symbol on them like everything else, she crept down the dark hallway. The Arronax felt different at night, not bad, just different. It felt more peaceful. Very little had changed since the Nektons had discovered Lemuria. Nereus had moved in with them, and Kaiko could hear him snoring from 3 rooms away. Kaiko wondered if she should go to bed. "Just a quick check on the kids, and then I'll go to sleep." she muttered aloud to herself. She soon found herself outside Fontaine's room. She opened the door and glanced around. Fontaine lay on her bed, asleep with her pink bangs hanging down on her face. Kaiko didn't know why, but she breathed a sigh of relief. Then she screamed. It was a loud, piercing scream that woke up all of the other Nektons. Kaiko had seen something moved. Then she realized it was not a something. It was a someone. Someone was in Fontaine's room.

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