Chapter Four: New Lemuria

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 Hey! Sorry haven't added a Chapter for a while, power outage, and then stuff just got in the way. But on the plus side, the power outage sparked a oneshot about a power outage on the Aronnax and the Nektons driving each other insane, so y'all can look out for that soon! (Not sure when I'll finish though.) :D

Fontaine suddenly knew who Kymara reminded her of. Alpheus. That good for nothing, sleazy, manipulative idiot! Kymara didn't fall too far, the dock wasn't very high. Nereus gave her a hand, and she stood, dripping wet, in front of the Nektons. Her family looked angry. Kaiko's arms were crossed, and Will had his hands on his hips. Ant looked him through lowered eyebrows that he thought looked menacing. No matter how much Fontaine teased him, he was her little brother, and he could be really cute sometimes, but she would never admit it. Now that she was thinking about it, she could totally see the resemblance between Alpheus and Kymara. They had the same blueish, spiky hair. Alpheus had lighter skin, probably from staying inside his sub. They had the same, dark greenish eyes. "Fontaine!" cried Nereus "Be nice!" Fontaine was shocked "Alpheus Benthos tried to kill my family and unleash The Terror on the world." Kaiko's eyes narrowed even more. "I know, and I'm sorry." She did look sorry. "My brother," her voice cracked, "is not who he used to be" "Oh, that's ok then", said Ant, who then proceeded to go up and hug the girl, who looked shocked at first and then just smiled. Will seemed not to care, and even Kaiko calmed down. Fontaine had no idea why her family was so blindly trusting, but she knew she would keep an eye on Kymara. "Everyone calls me Kya", she said, as if she had read Fontaine's mind. Suddenly, Glaucus came sprinting toward them. "Glaucus?" cried Fontaine, "Where did you come from?" "There's no time to explain. We're late!" Glaucus looked stressed and Nereus shrieked when he looked at his watch. The next thing Fontaine knew they were sprinting down the dock. Well. They were only going as fast as Nereus could... so not super speedy. They arrived at a seemingly normal little house, and sat on a bench. "Fontaine, here you have a choice. I told you you will be High Queen, but you don't have to. You could go and be back to your life, and nobody would blame you." Fontaine knew there was a catch. "But, the next in line of the throne is Alpheus" "What?" yelled Ant. Nereus just sighed. Fontaine looked at each of her family members, and saw nothing but love and support. "Then I have no choice" Fontaine nodded. Glaucus opened the door, and Fontaine saw thousands of people and stifled a scream. Nereus smiled mysteriously and Fontaine gave him the stink eye. Glaucus and Nereus were joined by Tethys on stage. They all bowed to Fontaine, and the people roared. Fontaine just gave an awkward little wave. "Please state your full name" said Tethys. "Fontaine Nekton'' she said, glancing around nervously. "With your middle name" Fontaine glared at Nereus''. He just smiled mysterious. "fontaineermengardenekton" "Louder please" said Glaucus. She huffed "Fontaine Ermengarde Nekton" Ant sniggered. Fontaine hated her middle name. "You don't have it any better Aethelbald" Fontaine whispered, wiping the smirk off his face. "Fontaine Ermengarde Nekton, do you accept to train to become High Queen of Lemuria, and to train as a just and kind ruler?" "I accept" said Fontaine.

I love the idea of the Nektons having really embarrassing middle names XD.

Anywho, byeeeee!

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