Chapter Six: Companion

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A/N Hello! Been awhile since my last update, I was without computer access, so it's time for a mega update to all stories (plus a few new ones.

Also, WE HAVE A COVER NOW! *author squeals again* Anyway, review time!

TheShipHasSail: Yes! He is too excited.

Moonlight35472: Thanks!

Fontaine walked out of Nereus's class annoyed. He was just as cryptic as a teacher, and her afternoon magic class had taught absolutely nothing.

It wasn't just Nereus, Fontaine was pretty sure she had absolutely no aptitude for Lemurian water magic, which sucked since she was supposed to be the High Queen and stuff. Not that the other kids did much either, water ended up everywhere, but Fontaine was the worst at it, she hadn't come close to telekinetically moving water, breathing underwater, propelling herself with water, everything just ended up with her wet and cold and having done nothing.

Fontaine walked angrily to the changing rooms. "Hi Fontaine!" called Kymara. Fontaine pretended Kya didn't exist. What was she so happy for? Fontaine knew.

Kymara had formed a little water seagull in class to show off. The seagull flew across the room before falling apart and cascading water all over Fontaine's head, then, as if her humiliation wasn't complete enough, Kya had apologised 20 times and used her hands to gather all of the water off Fontaine into a perfect blob, but had then run out of steam and dropped it all back on Fontaine, plus some extra moisture gathered from the air. And the class had still clapped, and Nereus patted her on the back! Why was she so good! It wasn't fair. Kya's smile withered as Fontaine gave her an epic glare. She was probably practicing so she could threaten Fontaine's family again, and this time Fontaine would be defenseless because she stinked at magic.

Fontaine was interrupted from her thoughts by Nereus. Ah, "Fontaine, come with me." Fontaine sighed loudly The two walked out to the bay in silence."Pull the tab on your Queen Robe" Fontaine pulled, and it turned into sort of an ancient wetsuit, it tightened around her limbs. It was very heavy, and Fontaine would rather be wearing her Nekton suit, but she kept her mouth shut.

"Do you remember the giant seahorse?" asked Nereus

"Yes," said Fontaine, confused.

"Do you remember the seahorse statue in Lemuria?" asked Nereus

Fontaine gasped.

Nereus smiled and continued "She was companion to my sister, and now it's time to meet your companion."

Nereus handed Fontaine a rebreather, and she lowered herself down the ladder and into the ocean. It was cold, but in a good way, it took Fontaine's mind off everything. Her weird wetsuit was rather heavy, and she wasn't used to the way the fabric waterlogged.

The water really was beautiful, untouched by the rest of society. Lemurians didn't use plastic or fossil fuels, so the teal water was perfectly clear, and sparkled in the sunlight. The seaweed swayed in the wind, and Fontaine was happy to be underwater again. The ground was covered in bright coral in yellow, blue, purple and pink. Curious fish swam up to Fontaine, they weren't afraid, the Lemurians had never given them reason to be.

Up ahead, Fontaine could see a figure, and her breath caught in her throat. The sea dragon was a light purple with aqua blue stripes that almost blended into the ocean. She was much smaller than the one they had seen with Devil Daniels, more the size of the statue in Lemuria. A voice spoke from inside Fontaine's head, startling her.

Hello. I am Kaya.

Woah, you can hear me?

Yes. Our telepathic bond is strong

Fontaine put out her hand and the seahorse put her nose in it.

Kaya gestured for Fontaine to get on her back, and Fontaine obliged. The seahorse shot through the sea faster than the knights or rover ever could. Fontaine screamed and held on for dear life. The seahorse breached while Fontaine clung to her back. She surfaced, and Fontaine could see Ant on the dock, frowning. "Aww, I wanted to ride the giant seahorse." Fontaine chuckled.

A/N Next chapters coming out soon, going to have a lot more action so be prepared!

Note: Previous version said Mauritius when it should have said Agartha. Blame autocorrect and operator error.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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