Chapter 4

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This chapter is by my friend :3 enjoy

He slaps him across the face, making a streak of blood stream down his cheek. "Where is Mystique?" Sabertooth yelled.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" The man quivered.

"You're name is David Bernthal. I found your blood where my people disappeared. Now, where are they?" Sabertooth slammed his hand down onto the table nearly breaking it. He started getting so aggravated that the vein in his temple was throbbing.

"Look, all I know it that I touched the blue ones forehead, then she disappeared. I don't know where they go, I just do what I do best and that's it."

Sabertooth raised his fist and pounded it against David's hand. His hand made crunching noises, as his bones were being broken were being broken by the force against the chair. David let out a blood curdling wail out of sheer pain.

There was a clicking noise behind Sabertooth. Dean Winchester stood behind him with a pistol pointed at his head. "Let the man go." Dean said sternly.

The mutant raised his blood covered hands in the air as he slowly turned to face Dean. Great, now who's this asshole?

"You still there Cas?" Dean questioned trying to keep his eye on Sabertooth.

"I'm right here Dean." Castiel replied.

"And who are you supposed to be? A baby in a trench coat?" Sabertooth raised and eyebrow.

"That's what I told him!" Dean exclaimed.

Dean and Sabertooth highfived at their insult to Cas. As their hands met, the mutant clutched onto the hunter's hand and flipped him onto his back. "Oh, now I'm really gonna to kick you're ass." Dean grunted.

Cas interrupted, "That is very inappropriate language Dean." Dean turned around and gave Castiel a dirty look.

"Really Cas? When we are in the middle of something?"

Sabertooth took advantage of the heat of the moment. He clung onto Dean's back like a chinchilla and starts clawing away and Dean's neck like no tomorrow. Blood started soaking Dean's brown lether jacket and his red plaid shirt. Castiel rushes towards the fight and grabs ahold of Saberooth's black lether jacket by the collar. He then swings him and busting him through the wall making the cement crumble.

"Who, the hell, is this guy?" Dean stumbled trying to cover up his wound.

"I don't know. I've never seen his kind on earth before." Cas tried looking through the dust and debri and spotted the mutant.

Sabertooth came out with blood trickling down the side of his face. His finger nails grew longer as he made eye contact with the angel of the lord. Before he made his way to Cas, he drove his sharp claws into his hostage, David. He had pierced David's heart and he bled out within seconds. Sabertooth's eyes were so cold, he didn't care who he killed and when.

The mutant charged his way towards Castiel, picking him up and slamming him into the ground, leaving an indentation within the earth. "Uh, Dean? A little help!" Cas raised his voice.

Sabertooth grabs Cas by the neck and picks his up so high that his feet can't touch the ground. "This is going to be so, much, fun." Sabertooth grinned showing his sharp fangs.

"Hey, get your hands off my angel, you damn son of a bitch." Dean coughed up blood. The Colt was being pointed at Sabertooth as it fired. The bullet went straight into the mutant's right lung.Sabertooth released Castiel from his grasp as an electric glow filled the beast. His lifeless body fell to the hard cold concrete floor.

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