What Lies Beyond Our Scars

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Seven years ago there lived a family of five, two parents, a sister, long brown hair with hazel eyes,and twin brothers, black hair with yellow eyes. However, one brother was covered with a scar, another with two. The brothers where different from the others yet, they ignore their differences and just focus on being a person and loving who you really are. Everyone was normal as any other family, that loved each other, one another, never fought or were jealous. They were a perfect clump that they hope could never change.

However, the older twin was tired of this. He disliked his siblings. Moments before his limit broke, He had a hearing in his head. No matter who was the voice speaking, he'd be listening anyway.

There was a demonic voice speaking to him saying,"One of your siblings have a demonic power you desire, kill them and you'll be a full demon Keita".

Keita wasn't freaked out of this but listened as planned, as if he read his mind, he always hated them as if he wanted to be an only child.

The next day, Keita came into Kiyoto's classroom, he beaten up his brother in class until his brother's classmate told him to stop, but instead of throwing the chair onto Kiyoto, he threw the chair at him, breaking his bones, leading him to the hospital.

Keita told the demon,"I can't kill him first, maybe last?" The voice yelled at him,"kill them, kill them all". Keita replied,"how"? The demonic voice spoke,"you withhold a sword from your left eye. Keita finally realized what that scar meant. He set his hand on his eye and a long samurai sword came upon him. Keita kept his secret.

It was the next day, Keita didn't want to go to school, he faked being sick. That day the entire family, but Keita, were walking back home. They were smiling with joy and happiness. Kiyoto found out he forgot something back in the class room.

Kiyoto politely asked his parents,"Mom, dad, I accidentally left something back at school may I please go get it?"

His parents looked at him and smiled,"sure, we'll meet you at the house,don't be late". Kiyoto ran looking back at them smiling,"I wont mom!" They all waved back at him, it was the last time they waved back.

Kiyoto came into the classroom to get his card he made for his family in his desk, it was titled in caps"I LOVE MY FAMILY". As he closed his desk one of his classmates showed up in front of him.

She questioned him,"what are you doing here"?

Kiyoto spoke hesitantly nervous,"well uh". She look at his hand he was hiding behind his back,"what are you holding?" Kiyoto answered smiling,"it's a card for my family". The girl spoke to him seriously,"it's not really worth giving a card to a dead person Kiyoto". Kiyoto was confused,"what are you talking about?" The girl spoke the truth to Kiyoto,"you're brother is going to kill them". Kiyoto replied to her,"okay whatever kind of prank you're trying to pull it's not funny". The girl tried to make him believe,"Kiyoto they'll be dead before you even get there". Kiyoto believed her for a second. The girl finished,"if you believe me and if you love them, you would hurry there as soon as possible."

Kiyoto knew that she was telling the truth, he should have known she always told the truth ever since he met her. Kiyoto was shocked, he dropped the card on the floor and ran off as fast as he could. Kiyoto was worried about them. He ran without a break and could hardly breathe. He made it to the door. He opened it, but it was too late.

When he opened it, no one greeted him. Kiyoto looked down and saw nothing but gushes of blood on the door knob and fingerprint tips on the walls. Kiyoto dropped his pencil.

Keita heard the pencil's echoes in the hallway. Keita came in holding on to his little sister's head decapitated, dripping out fresh blood as just being slaughtered. Keita looked at Kiyoto with murderous eyes smiling like a psychopath holding her head making it face Kiyoto with sad innocent eyes glaring at him as if it was his fault.

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