The Great Escape

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Hikaru was inspecting Kiyoto's samurai swords. He looked at it from every angle.

" I can't believe these came out of you Kiyoto",Hikaru said with amazement.

"I can't believe it either", Kiyoto said.

Hikaru swung the sword over and over again. "I feel unstoppable with this sword in my hand", Hikaru said in delight.

Kiyoto picked up the other sword while looking at his reflection,"I feel that feeling too". He swung his sword.

They soon heard footsteps coming toward their cell.

They were the prison guards. They saw that Kiyoto and Hikaru's cell curtain is on.

Kiyoto and Hikaru were frightened. Kiyoto got one of his swords and inserted it back in his scar. Hikaru got the other blade and inserted it back in Kiyoto's other scar.

The prison guards were knocking on the bars.

They were yelling,"what's going on over there?"

Kiyoto said,"you know stuff". "Guy stuff", Hikaru finished Kiyoto's sentence.

The guards thought they were making an escape route.

The guards opened the curtains. All they saw were Kiyoto and Hikaru sitting down playing cards.

Hikaru looked at them,"told you it was guy stuff".

The guards weren't expecting them playing cards at a time like this. The guard told them,"just keep the curtain opened at all times okay?" They walked away without hesitation.

Hikaru and Kiyoto were relieved they didn't know what they were planning.

It later turned to free period.

"The only way this plan would work is if we had the exact blueprints of the prison."Hikaru said. "Kiyoto". Kiyoto looked up facing Hikaru,"are you able to get the blueprints from the prison guards' desk?" Hikaru said. "I think so,"Kiyoto said. "If we don't have it we're pretty much screwed anyway", Hikaru said. Kiyoto felt confident enough just hearing that, it makes him remember what he sworn to do when he gets out of prison.

Kiyoto said confidently to Hikaru,"I can do it".

Hikaru informed Kiyoto," your only shot getting to the desk drawer is during free period okay? When the guards are on their lunch break."

Kiyoto nodded.

"You'll have about ten minutes before they come back got it?" Hikaru said.

It was now free period, the cells were opened.

Kiyoto was alert,"that's my que".

Kiyoto ran off to the desk. He was looking through the desk and found the blueprints. Kiyoto smiled. He ran as fast as he can back to his cell.

He later heard a guard yell at him,"stop right there", Kiyoto paused in a moment and looked back.

The guard said,"no running".

Kiyoto didn't expect her to say that. Kiyoto looked forward and started to walk.

Kiyoto reached Hikaru. Hikaru was glad Kiyoto didn't get caught.

Kiyoto said,"I got them".

He threw the blueprints to Hikaru. He caught it,"great job Kiyoto". Kiyoto smiled. Hikaru opened them and smiled,"yep, these are it". Kiyoto and Hikaru burst with joy. Kiyoto cheered,"we're not going to die!

Suddenly the bell rang. They stop cheering for a bit. It was time for inspection. Kiyoto and Hikaru were alert.

They came down stairs to the field. Hikaru brought the blueprints with him if they were to inspect their cell.

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