Chapter 17

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"This place is really nice. I'm scared. I don't mind McDonalds at all."Josie rambles and I roll my eyes.

"We're already seated. Calm down."I say as I scan through the menu.

After deciding what I want, I take in Josie's appearance.

"You look stunning."I say and Josie's cheeks tint a light red on her pale complexion.

"You look very handsome yourself."Josie smiles and a little laugh escapes her lips.

"This is so fucking formal."I mutter, causing a few heads to run our way.

"I know right. We could've went to McDonalds and got some chichi nuggs but nooo."Josie says and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up Josie. What're you ordering?"I ask.

"I'm going to order the potato salad that's overpriced and it's probably going to be the size of half my hand."Josie smiles and once again, I roll my eyes.

The waiter eyes Josie as she orders and I feel like fucking her right in front of his face.

"Is that all, cutie?"The waiter asks and Josie smiles.

"Yes. Thank you."

The waiter turns to me.

"I'd like number 35 with a side of fuck off of my girlfriend."I smile and his cheeks redden.

"Sorry sir."He mumbles and Josie kicks me with her heels.

"Ow!"I grunt as the waiter leaves.

"That wasn't nice."She says and I sigh.

I take her hand and we leave the restaurant.

"I wore a fancy dress and did makeup all by myself for NOTHING."Josie groans.

"Would you like to go back?"I ask.

"Oh sure! I could ask for the waiter's number! Oh wait, he already gave it to me."Josie giggles and holds up a slip of paper.

"Give me that."I say and she shakes her head.

When I reach for it she stuffs it in her bra and I just raise my eyebrows.

"You really think that's gonna stop me?"I ask and her eyes widen.

"Don't you dare."She mutters.

I grab her waist and kiss her lipstick covered lips.

"You should get a tattoo."I mutter against her lips.

"Of what?"She asks with a slight giggle.

"My name...right here."I say as my forefinger trails down her neck and onto her right boob.

I tap the space of flesh and she shivers.

"Are you cold?"


"Let's go in the car."

an: not edited.

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