Chapter 14

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"Ashton wake up!"I yell groggily.

I check the time and see it's 7:40 in the morning.

"We're gonna be la-.."

"We're suspended dumb fuck. Well, you are. Let papa get his sleep."Ashton groans into my pillow.

"Oh yeah."I mutter.

I get out of bed and lie on the floor.

"Cuuuddle buddyyyy."Ashton whines.

"I have stuffed animals for a reason."I say and Ash squeals.

"They're not warm like you!"Ashton says and I laugh.

"I want food. Fetch me food, peasant!"I yell at Ashton.

"I'm hungry too. Oporto for lunch, skatepark, then tattoo parlor?"Ashton suggests and I nod.

"I'll go change."I say and crawl over to my closet.


"What shall we write?"I ask Ashton, shaking the can of white spray paint.

"Our ship name."Ashton answers, sipping at his drink from Oporto's.

"What the fuck is our ship name?!"I ask.

"Joston! You don't even know our damn ship name. I'm disappointed."Ash shakes his head and I roll my eyes.

I begin spraying the letters onto the clear concrete. I outline the name with blue then add a red heart at the end.

"You two a couple?"A skater boy with a British accent asks from behind us.

"Nah. Bffls."I spell out.

"Friend zoned."The boy tells Ashton and Ash just giggles.

I turn around and face the boy. He has dark brown hair that's messily pushed to the side, bright blue eyes, and a small figure. He fixes his burgundy beanie and points at Ash's tattoos.

"Sick ink."He smiles.

"Thanks. Back to you."Ash says.

"Well, I've gotta sneak my boyfriend out of school. See yah dudes next time!"The boy yells out.

"Your bisexual?"Ash asks.

"Nah. Full on gay. Name's Louis by the way."Louis says.

"I'm Ashton. That's Josie. Nice meeting you bro."Ash says and Louis rides his skateboard away.

"More skaters are coming. Should we go?"I ask and Ashton nods.

"To the tattoo parlor!"Ash yells out and I laugh.


"Hey Ash!"A pale boy says when we walk into the parlor.

"Hey man! Josie, this is the owner of the parlor."Ash says and I smile.

"I'm Niall, nice to meet you."Niall says with a thick Irish accent.

"Hello, I'm Josie."I say, staring at his frame.

He has no visible tattoos..and he owns a tattoo parlor?

"Aren't you starting next week? Not today."Niall says and I look at Ash.

"You didn't tell me you got the job..or that you applied."I say, a little disappointed.

He didn't tell me when he applied for KFC though..or the cd shop.

"Never mind."I shake my head and he just shrugs.

"We're just hangin' out."Ashton says and Niall nods.

"Well, I got some business to take care of. See you whenever, man."Niall says and pats Ash's shoulder.

Ash waves goodbye and Niall leaves.

"Such a pretty boy."I chirp.

"I thought I was."Someone says from behind me and I scream.

I turn around and see Luke, Cal, and Mikey. The four boys start laughing and I roll my eyes.

"Hi Josie."Calum says and I don't answer.

"What are you guys doing here?"I ask.

"We couldn't let you idiots have all the fun while we get tortured."Mikey says and I nod.

I sneak a glance at Calum. He notices and smiles at me. I just roll my eyes and flip him off. He scrunches his eyebrows in confusion.

"Looks like you guys have some stuff to talk about. Let's go guys."Mikey says and he walks away with Ash and Luke.

"B-But!"I call out and give the puppy face to Ash.

"Don't you dare with that face. Go fix your shit up."Ashton says and I groan.

Once the three boys are distracted by tattoos I turn and face Calum.

"Josiiiie."He whines.

I ignore him and look away.

"Don't do that with me...please."Cal begs and I don't give in.

"Why are you mad at meeee?"Cal asks and I glare at him.

"You kissed me just to keep me away from the fight."I mutter and he sighs.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?"Calum whimpers.

"It's okay. I'm still mad at you though."I grumble and walk away.

an: not edited.

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