*Part 1*

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Now I'll start to write the story, so let's go!!(~‾▿‾)~


|Nao's POV|

I stood on the edge, the wind blew and blew my hair and also slightly disturbed my balance. I grabbed the fence that was behind me and my gaze was lowered, and looked at the ground that was far from where I was, I felt a drop of hesitation just jumping off. but just the thought of the horrible life I had been through so far I couldn't regret and come back up.
I released my grip from the fence and stood upright, I swallowed my saliva and tried to move forward but at that moment I heard the creak of the door to the roof open, I recoiled and grabbed the fence again and looked back towards the door.
He was very tall, his hair was navy and black styled to pompadour. He wore dark uniform, it was different from our uniform but I knew he was from my school. I assumed to myself that he had come to eat lunch on the roof, his timing was terrible.
'I just hope he'll not notice me' I thought.
I looked back and began to release my hand from the fence.
"Hey! What are you doing!?" He shouted.
I was startled when I heard his voice and grabbed the fence hard so I wouldn't fall yet when someone saw me. I looked at him and saw that he was approaching, I started sweating and getting stressed.
"Stay away from me!" I said.
"I would be happy to do that but I would feel bad if I let someone commit suicide in front of my face" he said.
"It's not your business, just go away!" I said.
"I already saw you so I guess it's my business now" he said, his attitude annoyed me and I wanted to hope he would just walk away from here.
"If you don't want to die before I'll die please go away" I tried to stay calm.
"Oi, What are you talking about, the one near death right now, how exactly are you going to kill me?" He asked, the attempt to stay calm failed and I caused this creature to appear, he fired some fire crystals in his direction but he eluded them.
"See!? I have a terrifying power! I don't have the right to live!" I said with tears, I was scared from my own power, I didn't know from where I got this.
"You have a stand too?" He looked surprised, then a creature like mine but different appeared behind him, my eyes widened.
'So it calls stand and I'm not the only one' I thought.
"So what if I have one!? Try to come closer and I'll kill you!" I said.
He sighed and walked away and his stand disappeared, I felt relieved when I thought he was about walk away.
"I guess you have your reasons to commit suicide and I can't understand them or do something about it, but I can stop you from killing yourself" he said and looked at me with a serious expression, he started moving towards me and I started to get stressed and angry.
"What you don't understand about go away!?" I yelled at him with tears "my parents and my grandparents are dead, I was alone all my life and I killed few boys that tried to rape me! I have enough reasons why! So why are you stopping me!?".

e looked very surprised from what I said and he didn't expect from me to said that but I could saw that he could contain it all. suddenly the wind blew really hard and I lost my balance and came to grab the fence but I remembered that because of my stand the fence burned. I let out a sigh of relief and there was currently nothing that could stop me from falling and that's what I wanted. But I still felt like I didn't want to fall and that this was not the way to deal with it.
Then I felt a big hand holding me, she felt warm. I opened my eyes wide and saw his hand holding me, I don't know how he managed to catch me before I fell, I looked at him stunned and he tried to pull me up back, I could see by his expression that he had a hard time pulling me up and he himself almost fell.
"I don't need you to save me!" I said stubbornly 'right, I don't need him to save me, just let me fell down'.
"Really? Your eyes look like they think otherwise" he smiled, I was surprised he could understand me from my own face even though I didn't said it, I wanted to fall I wanted to finish my own life but after I told him my past he looked like he really cared even though he never met me.

He grabbed me back to the roof, we both sat on the floor trying to regulate our breathing after he with all his power tried to pull me back and I had to with my strength pull myself up and I almost slipped a lot of times.
"What is your name?" I asked him.
"Higashikata Josuke" he said.
'Josuke...' I looked at him, his hair became a bit messy and he had a lot of sweat on his face, but yet just from looking at him I blushed a bit, he was so handsome.
"Thanks, Josuke" I mumbled and lowered my head.
"Before few minutes you wanted me to go away and kill yourself and now you thank me? Man... Women are really hard to understand" he sighed "but you're welcome".
"Oh you told me your name but I didn't tell you mine, Minami Nao" I said and smiled.
"So Nao, you have a stand right?" He asked and I nodded.
"I got it before few months ago but I can't control it as I want... Now it was the second time it appeared" I said.
"It's related to mental strength, I guess that's why it's hard for you to control but I'll help you!" He smiled.
"You'll help me?" I was confused.
"Yep, you told me about your life and I really feel sorry for you but even if your life sucks, I'll help your future to be great!" He said, I guess he didn't notice what he said but it made my face to be red.
"Oh, You have chosen a name for your stand?" He asked.
"No... I have to?" I asked wondering.
"What about Red Crystal?" He suddenly suggested.
"Red Crystal? It's not too lame?" I chuckled.
"Hey don't laugh! I really put thought about this name!" He pouted.
"Fine, I'll call it Red Crystal" I smiled to him.

After few minutes we decided to get up and return back to the classes. I walked besides him, he was really tall but he was a nice guy.
"Josuke, thanks again" I said.
"Huh? For what?" He raised his eyebrow and looked at me confused.
"For giving me a new life" I said, right, thanks to him I want to live now, he changed everything and was like a sun for me.
"You're welcome, again" he said.

To be continued!!

Diamond Love- Josuke x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora