Chapter 14: Just us.

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Tharn's POV

"Babe..." I wiggled him slightly trying to wake him up as I put my chin on his shoulder.  It's 9:30 an in the morning, last night we both slept almost 1:00 am because this man right here wanted to watch a movie. We were supposed to watch only 1 movie but we ended up watching 3. And now he won't wake up. I've been awake for 2 hours now as I cooked breakfast and did a few things before I wake this baby up. "Hmmm~?" He whined while wiggling away from me. "Wake up...Babeeeee" I wiggled him more until he finally faced me. His hand holding the blanket up to his nose for me to only see half of his face. "Mmmm~" He whined and was about to cover himself with the blanket- "If you're not gonna wake up I might do something to you. Were on the bed Mr. Kirigun" I said with a soft giggle. He hit my chest lightly as he covered himself up trying to hide his shy face. "Leave me alone, just go take a shower first and I'll get up," He said still covered with the thick blanket. "Mmm...fine. If I'm done taking a shower and you're still not up prepare for a-" I got cut off by him "blah! blah! blah! Just go and take a shower" I laughed as I entered the bathroom. I took a leave for 1 week for me to make more time for the both of us. If I'm going to work I can't focus anyway because he's always in my head. My employees already know what to do so I decided to take a leave. It's been days since me and Type are acting like a normal couple. You know? Like what couples mostly together, cuddling before going to sleep, waking up each other.

Author's POV.

Type rolled to the other side of the bed. He wiggled and rolled on the bed for some time until he was fully away he went out of the room to cook breakfast. I walked towards the kitchen, I was about to cook something but I saw food in the microwave. I looked at it confused, I didn't remember cooking this. I just walked towards the living room and turned on the tv to watch some television since there's already food I just need to wait for Tharn. I opened the LineTV to watch my favorite series 'MewGulf the series' It's a good series. The main role's acting is amazing. They really catches the audience's emotions very well. After some time I heard footsteps going down from the staircase. I knew it was Tharn so I paused what I was watching to go to the kitchen "Did you cook breakfast?" I asked as I sat down. "Uh-huh." He replied as he took 2 plates and 2 pairs of spoon and fork. He then put rice on my plate and so as his plate. We ate as we just talked about some stuff like what we usually do every breakfast. "Babe?" I looked at him as I hummed. "Are you free later?" He asked, "I'm always free, I don't even have something to do here in this huge ass house instead of doing house chores, eating, watching tv all day." He laughed as he talked "Well, I wanted to take you somewhere later...will that be okay?" He asked holding my other hand that was placed on the table. I looked at him confused "Take me where?" I asked "Just wait and you'll find out. It's not something big or what, but I think it can help to do something about our relationship." He said still not removing his hand from mine "What time are we going?" I asked "Mmm...before 2:00 pm," He said with a cute smile. "Mmm...ok" We continued eating and just talked about some stuff. *Phone ring* He looked at me as I nod my head excusing himself for the phone call. He walked towards the living room table to get his phone." I continued eating not minding his call cause it's about work anyway. I'm hoping he doesn't need to go there again though...or else we can't go to where he's planning to take me later. I'm having fun when I'm with him. I feel safe...

Tharn's POV

I looked at the caller's name as I saw Kiet's name. I quickly answered the call and lowered my voice. "Ai Tharn! Where's the meeting place?" Kiet asked "I still don't know let's talk about this tomorrow let's meet up. I can't right now." I said with a low tone voice as he agreed and I ended the call. I walked back to Type still eating his breakfast "Do you need to go to work?" He asked looking at me with worried eyes "No, don't worry. They needed to tell me something" I said, Type doesn't ask me who calls me cause he already knows that I don't talk to people unless it's from work, my family, friends, and him. Most people who calls me are from my work so he doesn't ask. After some time we are now cuddling each other while watching a series. It was just a casual day until Tar popped in my head. We still don't where can we meet. I couldn't cancel the plan since Tar already has a plane ticket to go here. I'm just planning to meet him and just tell him that...we can't go back to the old days. I know Tar's expecting something but I won't do what he's expecting. Well, yeah months ago I was still planning to go back with him. But this man came into my life. I don't know why...but there's really something different about Type. There's something different about him that I don't want people to go near him. I just want him all by myself. I want him every day only for myself. I'm being selfish but...who cares. I love him. I hope Tar will understand my situation, he doesn't know that I'm married so I'll just tell him that when we meet. He'll probably do something to get back with me but whatever he does I won't let him touch Type. Tar's an understanding man...he understands me all the time when we were still together. But for this matter? I'm just hoping he would understand. 

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