Chapter 5: Nothing changed.

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Tharn's POV.

I woke up at 2:00 am because of the cold. I tried to reach the blanket with my hand but instead, I felt a curvy body I looked beside and I can see Type's back facing me cuddling with the blanket. I looked at myself...I was naked. I got up to clean myself after the beautiful hot mess we made earlier and changed into my pajama's and got back to bed slowly so that I won't wake Type up. I held his shoulder gently and faced him in front of me...he was cuddling with the blanket and I tried to pull it gently and all that happened earlier flashed back in my mind. I looked down seeing his sexy long legs and my eyes went back up when I saw the beautiful marks that I made. "I'm sorry if I was rough on you Type" I said I snapped back to reality when I realized that I was touching his sexy long legs. I went to the bathroom got a towel and went downstairs to get a bowl and filled it with water.

and some ICE.

I started to wipe his soft skin using the wet towel I brought. I first started at his neck down to his chest and so on. When I reached his inner thighs he moved a bit but still continued sleeping. I kissed his thighs and after I was shocked by my movement. I saw lots of beautiful marks on his skin. But I decided to deal with that later. I continued cleaning him on his long legs and then I took the ice and wrapped it inside the towel and put it on the hickeys on his neck to his collarbones. He moved a bit because of the coldness of the ice but luckily he didn't wake up. Type has a gorgeous body. He's not too skinny and at the same time not too fat. His muscles were perfect for his body. I was damping the towel with ice onto the hickeys on his neck and collarbones while staring at his ethereal beauty. 'Why did I say yes to marrying you Type?' i thought in my head. That time I didn't really care because I was so focused on my work and I didn't really care because I was planning to live my life the same, I'll just imagine that I'm still alone in the house. But that didn't happen. For the past month, we barely talk to each other. I'm not really the type of man who likes having chit chats so that's why. I prefer being busy doing work than wasting my time on some people who don't even know me fully for who I am. Plus we're just strangers, right? We may talked when we were kids but we barely know each other.

Minutes have passed and I am now cleaning, putting the towel in the bowl so the water won't drip anywhere and I went downstairs to put back all the stuff I took. I went back up and slowly climbed up on the bed and covered ourselves with the soft blanket. I felt him moving his hand on the other side trying to find something when suddenly his hand moved towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist and hid his face on my neck, rested his leg on my leg, and continued sleeping. Am I a pillow or what? He sleeps like a baby...



Authors POV

Gulf woke up by the coldness of the room. He doesn't put on his room air-condition to this cold so he opened his eyes and quickly jumped up the be- "Ouucchhh!" He held hiss butt...He was still frozen thinking what happened. He saw few pieces of clothes scattered on the floor and that's when he shuffled his hair hoping it was all a dream about what happened last night. Flashback kept running in his mind. "Shiaaaa" He stood up slowly and picked up the clothes that was on the floor and slowly walked out of Tharn's room. He entered his room and took his phone to check the time.

Gulf's POV.

"Shiaaa it's 7:30!" My heart was beating so fast I didn't what to do. I forgot to cook his breakfast! But maybe he just ate his breakfast in his office again right? That was just a dream right? I just gave Tharn his lunch yesterday right? and that's it! Nothing happened right? How should i face Tharn after what happened?? But nothing happened, right? I kept thinking it was all a dream. I walked in front of my mirror seeing marks on my skins. "Type calm down. That's just mosquito bites" I went to the backroom real quick to freshen myself up and walked slowly downstairs. My eyes almost fell when I saw...Tharn. He was cooking. He was wearing an apron...SHIRTLESS. I slowly walked from the stairs to the kitchen and I froze when I was standing in front of the kitchen island. When he turned and faced me I felt like I died with embarrassment. "Oh, your up. Good Morning." Tharn greeted coldly. "Sit." I then sat on the high chair on the kitchen island. I sat down slowly because my ass was still hurting because of this asshole Tharn. I did my best to not put faces when I was hurting bu- "Does it hurt?" FUCK. "Huh? W-what are you talking about?" Why the fuck is he still here?? "Don't act like you don't know. I have a moisturizer on my drawer, the 2nd one. Go get it and put some." He said emotionless and while cooking and I just sat down not moving an inch. "Look, I'm still here because I want to talk about what happened last night." He said while putting the cooked food on the plate. "Th-Thar-" I was cut off "I'm not done talking yet. Shut up." Geez this man. "Yes, I had sex with you. And I'm sorry about that. But that doesn't mean that I like you. Remember that. Don't overthink or don't ever think that I like you just because I had sex with you. Your business is your business and my business is my business.  Live your own life and I live my own life. Don't talk to me unless it's important. I was just lost yesterday that's why I did that. " I was still frozen like a statue on my chair. "N-no Tharn, I should apologi-" He was finished putting the food on the table and he also packed himself food. "Eat." He said and went upstairs leaving me dumbfounded. I just took a plate and decided it was too early to think about negative stuff so I just ate my breakfast. After a few minutes, I see Tharn walking down the staircase. "Tharn wai-" He slammed the door not even listening to my explanation. I felt like a needle plucked through my heart just now.



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