-a new home-

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Even though our original plan was to go back to the Musain, Chetta decided against it. I guess she noticed the dark shadows under my eyes which clearly showed how I was feeling: Tired and overwhelmed. So instead of dealing with moody Enjolras-boy we sat at her small kitchen table und enjoyed the peace. She prepared some tea and even had some Macarons in her kitchen cabinet, which were the best Macarons I ever had. The first Macarons too, but well.

"Please tell me about your family, Chetta. I have the feeling that I don't know a thing about you, even though I live with you." I pouted and Chetta smiled widely.

"Oh, they're amazing. Well, my sisters are. I only have them left sadly." Chetta tried to smile her sadness away, but I could sense that the loss of her parents was still a sensitive spot in her heart.

"My parents died last year. What they had was real love. Fairy-tale love. My papa died because of an illness. I'm sorry. I can't name it." She quickly wiped a tear off her check, which escaped the corner of her eye. "My maman never really recovered after his death. They found her corps in the Seine four months after his passing."

I grabbed her hand across the table and squeezed it softly. I didn't know what to say. I was shocked, but also deeply moved because of the story of her parents. Deep down I wished for a love as strong as the one of them for me, but my way too many acquaintances at the docks showed me that something like that would never happen. I experienced first-handed what men are capable of and being gentle definitely wasn't a value of the ones at the docks.

"My sisters' names are Éloise and Lousianne. They're both older than me, but not much. They are great but also married in other cities. We don't see each other that often anymore." Musichetta smiled at the thought of them.

"That's so sweet. I wish I would still be in touch with my brother." I sighed. The thought of my brother poked in my heart. We were a pair until our parents disappeared. He made me responsible for their leaving and showed me his disgust on a daily basis. One day it was enough for me and I left Antoine and my childhood home. I would sell my right hand to get his old self back and meet with him on a regular basis.

"Let's let all these sad and depressing topics just be." Chetta exclaimed and clapped her hands.

"All right", I laughed "You better tell me everything about Joly!" I guess I must have hit a strike because Chetta turned bright red and smiled dreamily.

"There's not only him. There's also Bossuet." I gasped but then grinned.

"You got two? Lucky you, when Bossuet is the same amount of nice as Joly."

"Oh, he's amazing. I love them both very much." Her sickenly dreamy expression was priceless. Musichetta then rattled on about her relationship to them both. How she first met Joly on a farmers market and later met his best mate Bossuet in the Musain. There was no chance in interrupting her but when she started to explain me their relationship in the bedroom, I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.

"Oh Mélodie, you're so innocent." Chetta giggled.

"I'm nowhere near untouched, if you mean that, but I still don't want to hear about how great Joly is in bed!" I laughed, too, but still with this little thorn poking in my heart.

Musichetta stopped laughing and once again there was that damn pity in her eyes.

"It's fine Chetta. Please just stop eyeing me with those pitiful eyes of yours!"

"I just, I don't know. I just can't believe that you had to live, no rather survive like that." Now it was her turn to grab my hand accros the table.

"It's fine. It really is. Thanks to Gavroche, it's hopefully all in the past. Let's just stop talking about it." I reassured her.

But it was noticeable, that the atmosphere changed after this little reminder of my past. It felt like Chetta couldn't talk to me the same way as she did before because in the back of her head there was this piece of my past she forgot when we reached her house but was now more present than before.

It sucked and I was glad when we cleared the table and Chetta had to get some groceries. It was nice to have some time alone without anyone around me. Even on the streets there was constantly somebody walking by. As much as I appreciated Musichetta after the short amount of time we knew each other, I was very relieved to give my mind a break and just be with myself for a few moments. Just letting my social battery charge and my mouth and tongue relax.

The room Chetta prepared for me was small indeed, but more than enough for me. I had a bed and a closet full of clothes. I made my way to the bed and just lied down. I wondered how Gavroche convinced them all to get me off the streets. I knew that he had a bunch of homeless friends, most of them little children who needed this treatment more than me. I guess I was just very lucky.


I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up it was already dark outside but I could hear somebody rumbling down the hall. I got up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I opened the door and almost ran in a figure which appeared in the dark.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed as my opposite breathed out a "Mon dieu!"

"Ohh, Mélo, you're awake!" I heard Musichetta jumping out of the kitchen and joining us two in the dark. "I want you to meet my lovely Bossuet!"

My eyes got used to the darkness around me and the shadows slowly formed into a person with a wide grin. His teeth reflected the moonlight which peeked through the windows.

"Nice to meet you, Bossuet." I smiled and his grin grew even wider.

"Nice to meet you, too Mélodie. It's nice to know that Chetta doesn't have to live alone now."

I blushed a little. It felt great to hear, that my staying actually had a use and was not only a void.

We talked a while longer. Exchanging all the formalities about how we were feeling but I realized that Chetta und Bossuet wanted some time for themselves, so I excused myself back in my room to get some more rest and also Chetta yawned.

Because of me sleeping in the afternoon, falling asleep now was far away and I let my mind start to wander through the events of the day. It was such an unreal and crazy day compared to my situation yesterday. I almost feared that if I woke up tomorrow everything would be back to my old life.

"My old life." I smiled to myself.


a shorty shorty chapter today but i guess have to celebrate myself first, that i'm actually back at writing!!

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