-wine and beer feast-

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Like lying on a cloud. That's what I first thought when I woke up the next morning. I wasn't used to sleeping in a bed anymore and Chetta just happened to have the most comfortable one to spare.

Just on cue I heard laughter down the hall followed by a reply of a male voice. Then there were footsteps, a banged door, quickly followed by a moan. I grinned to myself. I probably had to get used to not so silent nights due to Chetta's two lovers.

Not daring to get up and reminding them that I'm also in the house, I snuggled deeper in the blankets and let my thoughts wander.

How strange it was to suddenly lie in a bed again. With a roof over my head, a fire in the oven and people that looked after me. Even though I was grateful, I couldn't silence the voice in my head that was wondering, why Gavroche had introduced me to his friends only now even though we knew each other since almost a year, and he was always aware of my miserable situation.


I must have fallen asleep again because when I opened my eyes Chetta was standing over me with a worried look on her face.

I scrunched my nose and blinked rapidly due to the brightness in the room and Chetta let out a relieved sigh.

"Gosh, I'm glad you're alright! I took ages to wake you up and I was afraid you might have died." She quickly embraced and squeezed me before she pointed to a clothing bundle on a chair by the window, which hasn't been there, when I woke up earlier this morning.

"I picked something out for you that you can wear today. I think we should definitely go back to the Café and say a proper hello to Madame H. If that's alright with you?"

I nodded eagerly. "Of course! Actually, I still feel a bit sorry that we left so quickly, so I'm looking forward to going." I didn't want Madame Houcheloup to think of me as an ungrateful, especially when Chetta seems very fond of her. Yesterday was just too overwhelming to properly acknowledge her.

"Don't be! I also didn't want to encounter angry Enjolras, so I was glad we left." She winked and left the room.

I crawled out of the bed and went over to the clothes on the chair. It was a simple faded blue dress but with a very thick fabric which was perfect for the cold weather. The ice crystals on the window glass indicated the low temperature outside.

This was already the second time somebody said that they didn't want to meet an angry Enjolras. Who was this man who scared all his friends aways with his broody mood? Maybe I was a bit on edge by going back to the Café and maybe stumbling in fury, but I was used to arrogant men and their moods, so this Enjolras wasn't somebody I would be backing down from.


After I dressed, I put my hair in a quick but neat braid down my back. My hair really was long, and the braid was super thin at the end. Chetta's cutting-my-hair-offer was a good idea.

She already waited by the door when I came out of the room, gave me a quick once-over and an approving nod and smile.

"You look great! Let's go."


And so we walked back to the Café Musain. Or should I rather say rushed? It was freezing outside and we both looked forward to the warmth in the café. Even though I knew Paris very well it was new to experience the city in my new situation. Nobody shot dirty glances in our direction and somehow the city seemed friendlier.

I didn't want to let myself be fooled by this new mask the city was wearing but I enjoyed it, nevertheless.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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