Her whole world

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"Hey Yue," Sokka said, looking up at the moon. At night Sokka would go out to the pond in Toph's backyard to talk to the moon spirit about his day.

"Tomorrow I'm going to ask Toph to marry me. At night to be exact" He paused and inhaled the fresh breeze that had just come in, "I'm a little nervous, but I know she's the one. I don't know what I would do without her. We've been best friends since we were kids, and throughout time I found feelings for her that I've never had for anyone else. Every time we kiss, I feel weak to my knees... like I'm on cloud nine. It feels like home. Yeah, she's the one" He bit his bottom lip thinking about his future with her.

"In the morning I'm going to ask Lin if it's okay I marry her mom. I think it's important to have her blessing. Lin is such a big part of Toph's life now, And i'm not just marrying Toph, I'm marrying her whole world! And Lin is a part of that world. I want Lin to be okay with me being a part of Toph's world as well. Since it's always been her and Toph" He took a long pause, "Could you shine bright tomorrow? So the moment can feel more special"

"I know you want me to be happy. You were there for every part of my life. During the war, after the war. When things between me and Suki were rough, that ended in a breakup. To me being there for Toph when she was pregnant. And... eventually falling in love with her"

He stayed outside for a few more minutes before calling it a night and going back inside. He passed his office and into Lin's room to give her a goodnight kiss before going into his and Toph's room. Toph had just finished using the washroom and was getting into bed.

Sokka took off his shirt and got into bed himself. He wrapped his arms around Toph and gave her a kiss on the lips and forehead before resting his head on top of her's. He was nervous but mostly excited for the next day.

The next morning he woke up to the bright early sun rise, beaming through a crack in the curtains, reflecting on the wall in front of him. He raised his head and looked around with squinted eyes, before laying them on the woman in his arms.

As much as he'd like to stay in bed longer with his girlfriend. He had a whole day ahead of him that consisted of waking Lin up early (Which means she'll be moody all morning, so he has to mentally prepare for that) making breakfast and asking for her blessing before Toph woke up.

He slowly got out of bed, making sure not to wake up the blind earthbender. And made his way to the bathroom. He got ready and made his way into Lin's room.

He slowly opened the door and walked towards her bed. She was curled up in her blanket, snuggling the fabric to her face. Sleeping peacefully with her hair in a mess, covering parts of her face.

He bent down and moved her hair away from her eyes, calling her name in a whisper to wake her up.

"Wake up Linnie" He gently shook her

The little girl's eyelids slowly opened groggily, presenting her pale green eyes.

"Hey" He said with a warm smile

"mm Chief?" She said groggily

"Wake up warrior. We got an important meeting in the kitchen regarding a mission that relies on your opinion," Sokka explained in their roleplay act they did the previous night.

Lin groaned and lifted the blanket over her face.

"C'mon. It's a good one," He pouted, "I'll put extra whip cream on your pancakes," He teased with a smirk

Lin slowly lowered her blanket, staring straight into Sokka's eyes. "You promise?"

"I promise on the moon spirit" He stood up and put his hand over his heart, "Even mom won't know," He smirked

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