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(I'm sorry this is short)

Requested by:  @bubblegumdemon 

Toph knew what she was getting herself into when she became the chief of police of Republic city. She knew all about the paperwork and accidents and injuries she would endure while on the job. And ever since the bandits came to town, she'd come home with new bruises and wounds. Each time Sokka would treat her wounds while reprimanding her lovingly.

Toph didn't live far from the station - which she always thanked Sokka for since it was his idea to live near the station. After a long day at work, she couldn't wait to get home where her husband waited for her.

When she reached the doorstep, she felt her husband in the living room sitting on the couch. When she walked in, Sokka got up from the couch and greeted her with a kiss on the forehead and lips before hugging her. Though he stopped mid-way when he heard Toph wince.

"Toph... did you get hurt again at work?"

"No" she defended quickly

"Toph. You just winced when I tried to hug you. C'mon," Sokka grabbed Toph's hand and brought her to the couch.

"Sokka, I'm fine-"

"No you're not." He cut her off. He sat her down and went to their shared bedroom where he had ointments and first-aid. When he walked back into the living room he saw Toph laid down (with her armor off that laid in the corner of the room) with her hand resting on her stomach; as this wasn't the first time this happened.

He set everything down on the coffee table, "Where does it hurt?"

Toph would usually be stubborn here, but she didn't feel like putting up a fight. She sighed, "I have a small cut on my foot and I have an incoming bruise on my shoulder."

Sokka sighed and began treating Toph's foot wound. "I told you you should be more careful."

"And I have," She defended, "You think I like getting hurt-" She was cut off by the small sting from the alcohol on her wound.

"Small huh?"

"Don't start" She growled, "You know my sight has been off lately."

"Yeah, I know"

They continued talking while Sokka cared for Toph. Soon enough they were both lying on the couch with Toph fast asleep between his legs and his arms wrapped around her waist.

He kissed her head and whispered "I'm just worried about you and the little baby. I love you both." before closing his eyes and falling asleep himself


A/N why is this short?? Chile imma go cry  bc it's short 😭😭

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