Two lines

495 13 38

 Toph:18 | Sokka:19 |Toph isn't blind | Modern


Toph sat crisscrossed in the middle of her bed. Her elbows rested on her knees and her hand in a fist under her other hand. She stared blankly down at her sheets. All while on facetime with her boyfriend, Sokka (who was away in college). Both in silence as they tried to collect their thoughts.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure!" Toph defended

It went back to silence until Sokka spoke again. "Do you need me to come over? Because I'll drop everything to-"

"Nono, don't get ahead of yourself. You stay there in your dorm. We don't know officially, just stay on call with me while I take the tests,"

"Okay, Okay," Sokka was already panicking, pacing around his room with his phone in his hand.

"I bought three tests - all from different brands - just to make sure," Toph said, getting off her bed and walking to her bathroom. She set down her phone against a box on the counter and reached in the black bag. Sokka watched as she took out a box that read 'pregnancy test' and set it on the counter.

Recently Toph had been feeling off and different. It wasn't till last night when she realized she had missed her period by 2 weeks. And last time she had her period was a few days before Sokka visited for the weekend.

Toph grunted, "There is no way in the spirit world I could be pregnant" She muffled in her pillow

After school the next day, she went to a pharmacy and bought a few tests. She couldn't do it alone, and no way was she gonna go to Katara and ask her to be there while she took the test. So she called her boyfriend and told him everything that was happening.

"Never in my life did I think I'd be doing this at age 18," Toph said with a nervous chuckle as she took out the last box.

"Me either. What are your symptoms again?"

Toph sighed, "Sore boobs, morning sickness, weird cravings, and I'm 2 weeks late on my period,"

"And last time you got your period was before I visited," Sokka added

"Ding ding ding,"

Toph opened the first box and pulled out the first test. She opened the wrapper and pulled out the test. She took a look at it before setting it down on the box. She began to unbox every box which confused the boy.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking out every test. I rather do them all at once then have to wait because I ran out of pee," She explained

"Okay, that's smart"

Toph uncapped each test and set them by the toilet. She faced the phone away from the toilet and began to take the test. She had them faced down from her so she wouldn't accidentally see them. Once she was done, she capped each pee stick and placed them on the counter faced down. She even put the boxes on top. Sokka put on a timer for 3 minutes and the two waited impatiently. Sokka had calmed down a little bit and was now sitting on his desk chair, but now his leg was shaking. Toph sat on the edge of her bed, looking away from the phone.

Three minutes seemed to go by slowly, so to pass time, the two talked about something other than the possible fetus in Toph's belly. Soon, the timmer Sokka set up went off and the two looked at each other nervously. Toph got up from her bed and made her way to the bathroom. She set her phone down behind the boxes and Sokka watched as Toph nervously removed the box.

She rested her elbows on the counter and contemplated on turning over the tests. "I don't want to look at it," She said, getting off the counter and pacing around the bathroom.

"You have to!"

"I know! But i'm scared,"

"Yeah, I'm scared to-" Sokka was interrupted when his roommate, Zuko, walked in his room.

"Who are you talking to and why are you scared?" He asked

"Shut up man, get out!" Sokka yelled, throwing a pillow at him. The door closed and he went back to focusing on his girlfriend.

"Okay, how bout' I show you the test and i'll just look at the screen,"

"Yeah yeah do that,"

Toph let out a few deep breaths and reached for the first test. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Right as her fingertips touched the plastic, she retreated her hand.

"I can't do this!" She quavered


"You do realize that whatever shows up on this is gonna change our lives,"

"Yes I do! And I'd like to know now so I can prepare for it mentally and financially," He listed

Toph groaned, "fine!"

Without thinking, she grabbed the first test and lifted it so Sokka could see. Their eyes shot open with a gasp.

"Shit!" They said in unison


A/N How tf did I finish this in not even 10 hours but it takes me centuries to even get halfway through a chapter for my other stories?! 

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