when you confess your fear (hyung line)

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"I'm so excited for what I have planned for us this weekend," Seonghwa said suddenly as the both of you hung out on the couch, and you turned your head to face him, confused.

"Well, now you have to tell me," you replied with a pout, crossing your arms.

He shook his head, scoffing, "I can't resist. I'm taking you to the beach!"

Your face instantly dropped. You tried to act excited and bubbly but it was just impossible. He took notice of this, scooting closer to you, and his gaze bore into yours.

"Is something wrong, love?"

Concern was written all over his face and you felt so guilty, so you tried to play it off. You shook your head insistently, even though you were clearly upset.

"I'm fine, really-"

"Please tell me," he asked, and you couldn't hide it anymore.

"I, uh... I have a really bad fear of the ocean," you replied quietly, and your face heated up quickly as you became embarrassed. It always felt like a dumb fear to have, but it'd gotten so bad as you became older that you hadn't even been to a beach in four years.

He raised his eyebrows, sadness on his face, and he took one of your hands in his, "Why?"

"I don't know," you shrugged, still feeling self-conscious. "It's been this way since I was little. It's only gotten worse. I feel terrible... you planned a nice trip, and I want to spend time with you, I just-"

"No, don't do that. I completely understand. I just can't believe you've never told me!"

Tears threatened to fall, so you wiped them away quickly, "I know, I'm sorry. It's just embarrassing, and I really do feel so guilty for ruining this."

"Don't cry, no, please," he said, pulling you close, "I'm gonna cry too, then."

"Thanks for understanding," you said quietly, and he just kissed the top of your head.


The two of you were spending quality time together. Today he was reforming an entire jacket, so you decided you'd sit on the bed with him while he worked and catch up on some news on your phone.

He worked diligently, and you looked up to admire how his fingers were so dexterous as they manipulated the string. He seemed to be sewing a little patch onto the jacket which you thought was adorable and a great idea. At least, until he accidentally pricked himself with the needle. In that moment you wished you hadn't been watching him.

You instantly dropped your phone and ran, far enough away where you wouldn't have to see it.

"Hello? Y/n? What's wrong? And could you please get me a bandaid?" Hongjoong called out.

You grabbed the box of bandaids from the bathroom shelf and took one, trying to desperately come up with an excuse. But when you had to enter the room covering your eyes, you figured there was no point.

"Here," you said quietly, holding out the bandaid, eyes still shielded.

"What's the matter? I'm not hurt or anything, don't worry," he assured.

"It's not that. I just... have a really bad phobia of blood," you confessed, and he came up to you to relax you, moving your hands from your eyes.

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