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You walked out of the building and were instantly hit with the cool winter air. Friday was always so nice since you only had one class in the afternoon at university. But there was one thing- rather, person- that always made it better.

You instantly recognized the dark red hair and singled him out in the crowd, smiling now as he approached you.

"Hey, Jongho," you greeted, sarcastic now, "back so soon? I must be irresistible."

He rolled his eyes playfully. "If we didn't already have plans I'd be sleeping right now."

You were still content as you made the walk to his apartment, shivering as the air only became colder and more harsh. You hid it though.

As you both jogged up the stairs to his floor, he paused while fumbling to find his key.

"Hey, you're cold?"

"Uh-" you choked. "I'm fine."

"Relax. Don't feel bad! Take my jacket, I really don't mind."

"Fine," you reluctantly agreed, pulling it over your clothes and smiling slightly at the warmth. "Thanks, I guess."

He finally got out his key and led you both into his place, taking your things and placing them on the counter. He walked over to the couch now, plopping down in contentment and patting the seat next to him. You joined him, still cold, and he put a friendly arm around you.

"Okay, so... which movie did you pick for this week?"

"Right, it was my turn. Well... I kept hearing about this new horror movie Run. My friends said I need to watch it, but, uh- I was... too scared to watch it by myself."

He turned to face you, scoffing and laughing. "You always go on and on about how independent you are. You baby."

"You're the baby! Scared of bugs, HA! At least I can get an ant out of my room. Anyways, put it on."

He found and turned on the movie, pouting at your comeback. Still, though, he sat through the movie, feeling smug whenever you'd jump or gasp. Even though he wasn't exactly invincible to the jump scares either.

As the movie continued to play through, nearing the end, you paused it, turning to face him.


"What?" He asked and tilted his head.

"I'm hungry," you complained. He chuckled and rolled his eyes, leaning back into the couch.

"I thought you were gonna say something else."

You furrowed your eyebrows, then raised them in realization. You felt your cheeks heat up, wondering if the both of you were thinking the same thing.

Yeah, you'd had a crush on your friend for a little while. It began about a month ago, but you ignored the feeling as you'd assumed it would just go away. You started to get the feeling you were wrong because you were at his apartment wanting to confess to him and kiss him until you lost your breath.

"Did you think I was gonna say I liked you?"

He made a face, pursing his lips and trying to formulate a response. He hesitated for a moment, holding back, but decided to answer honestly anyways.

"How did you know?" He asked sincerely.

"I mean... yeah, I'm hungry, but that's not what's been on my mind for the past month."

He was smirking now, moving closer to you on the couch and placing a hand on your thigh, looking at it before trailing his eyes up to meet yours.

You swiftly scooted closer to pull him in and kiss him passionately. It was brief, but you reveled in the connection and feeling his warm breath against your skin, already burning with emotion.

You met his eyes once again, smiling softly and squeezing his hand.

"That's what's been on your mind, huh?" He asked, giggling. "Mine, too."

You were giggling too now, trying to conceal the grin that spread across your lips as he pulled you in to hold you close.

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