Chapter 23

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Henry led his grey stallion into the stables. Opening the door of its stall, he tugged the horse’s rein forwards and it obliged. Once he ensured that it was safe and secure inside its stall, he called for a stable boy to feed it.

Henry thought of Aria and how they made up last night as he walked out of the stables. He couldn’t help but smile. Her forgiveness meant the world to him. When he broke the news to her, he was so afraid that she’d reject him and he couldn’t bear that. He didn’t want to lose her anymore. Losing her once was enough. He just needed to get his marriage annulled as soon as possible.

“I hope you have a good reason why you only return now.”

The grin plastered on Henry’s face was painfully ripped off. It took him awhile to register who was reprimanding him.

Kate. The Queen. My wife.

The last thought hit him hard and made his heart grew heavy. He was so caught up with Aria that he forgot about Kate. He bit the inside of his cheek, instantly annoyed.

“Henry Plantagenet! You answer me right now!” she shrieked. Kate reached out and grabbed his arm.

“What do you want?!” Henry yelled, shaking her hand off.

“Did you fool around in that tavern again?!” Kate yelled as Henry peeled her fingers off his arm.

Henry narrowed his eyes and growled, “What tavern?”

Kate met his eyes with defiance. “That wretched tavern, you fooled around with those low lives!”

Henry was rendered speechless. Who told her this?! That was 3 years ago! Way before I met her!

“Do I look like a fool to you?! A king doesn’t fool around in a peasants’ tavern!” Henry raised his voice. He snatched his arm away, scowling at her.

“Then where have you been ‘Arry?” Kate asked softly. One might mistake the sudden change of tone to be fear but she wasn’t. She just wanted to know.

Henry immediately softened, realising that he was too harsh to her yet again. He sighed and looked at Kate through his lashes.

“I’m sorry Kate. I shouldn’t have raised my voice.”

“You just recovered from this unknown ailment and then you went capering off I know not where! How do you expect me to not worry?” Her voice was barely audible now.

“I know,” Henry replied. He reached out and squeezed her left shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he repeated, before working his way around her, moving towards the castle.

Was he willing to throw away France for Aria?

Yes. He was.

At the same time, it would be unfair to shackle Kate to him. A loveless marriage is as good as imprisonment.

Kate watched him walk away from her and burst into tears. She knew something was up. As much as she wanted to deny it but it seemed that the women of Valois were all cursed. First it was her mother - married to her father who became insane. Her eldest sister, Isabella wasn’t spared either when she married the usurped Richard II. And now the baton was passed to her - Married to a man who clearly used her as a tool of politics and will probably never love her.

By the time they reached the French borders, the French rebels had infiltrated through Harfleur. Thousands of French soldiers were lined up along the beach ready for battle.

“Once we land, my liege, they will attack,” Exeter stated the obvious to John. He could only nod grimly. The situation reminded him of Agincourt. It didn’t help that the skies were dark and thunder had clapped several times. The number of soldiers assembled on the beach seemed double of their own troops.

My King: Henry VWhere stories live. Discover now