Cause How could I Love Someone Else?

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(Present Time)

(Harry's POV)
      It was a stupid mistake and now I've lost the only person who loved me. I've been trying to call and text Draco but he's not responding, I never meant to hurt him like this, I have to make this right I can't lose him. 15 texts and calls later Draco finally texted me back saying to meet him in a half an hour at the park, ok that's good now I can explain what happened and then we can move on- I hope. I got ready and started my walk to the park to meet Draco.

(Time skip to park)

I arrived at the park and immediately saw Draco sitting at one of the benches, I walked up to him and sat down "Hey" Draco looked at me and just nodded, I'd be lying if I said that him not talking to me didn't hurt, "I'm sure you want an explanation about what happened?" He looked at me and just nodded again "ok, well it's all kind of a blur but I remember that I was drinking and then one thing led to another and well I guess I texted her and somewhere along the lines I invited her over-" "Stop!" Draco looked over at me with tears in his eyes "what?" "I said stop talking,please" oh "why were you drinking in the first place?" I can't tell him the truth if he knows then he'll just get people involved and I can't have that happen. "I was just having a bad day, I got into an argument with Ro-" "OH PLEASE! YOU AND ME BOTH KNOW THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME YOU HAVE GIVEN ME THAT SHITTY EXCUSE FOR WHY YOU WERE DRINKING!" Ok obviously he's not buying it and he's angry. "I-I can't tell you the real reason ok. Please I'm sorry" he looked at me with tears streaming down his face. "No I'm done with the excuses Harry. I'm sorry I- I have to go, Bye" I tried reaching for his hand but he pulled away and left for his car. I watched him as he drove away wishing I could just tell him everything and make it all better, but I know it won't be that easy.

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