Chapter 10

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"So... let's see," Delilah said as she shone the light into Jerome's eyes. She watched his eyes move with the light. "Good, you're more responsive today. Hurry up and wake up, it'll get easier from here on out." She booped his nose. And then her good mood was ruined when her phone buzzed. She rolled her eyes. "Want to take a guess as to who that might be?" she asked Jerome. She walked away from him and pulled the phone from her pocket. Just as she was about to look at the screen the heart monitor made a noise. Her eyes shot over to the machine.

Jerome's heart rate had increased drastically as his hand twitched.

Delilah put the still ringing phone down and returned to him as fast as she could. She looked down at his hand.

It had stopped twitching.

"No, no, no, don't stop!" she grasped his hand. "Do it again!" she felt him squeeze her hand weakly. "Oh my god. can move," she gasped. "I have to go and get-" She tried to walk away, but Jerome's grip on her hand stopped her. She turned back to him slightly confused. "You...don't want anyone else to know? Why not?"

He didn't move.

"Okay, fine, tell me tonight. In the meantime, I'm gonna try something. Tell me if you can feel it. Squeeze once for yes, twice for no, okay?" He squeezed her hand once. "Alright." She held his hand and ran her free and through his hair. "Can you feel that?"

One squeeze.

She hovered her hand over his cheek.

Two squeezes.

She placed her hand onto his cheek.

On squeeze.

Then onto his chest.

One squeeze.

She moved down to his knee.

Two squeezes.

"Okay, so you can feel mostly everything apart from your legs." She let go of his hand and made a note of it. "You're getting better."

Delilah opened her eyes. She was in her lab, lying on the patient transport table. She heard two voices. At first they were muffled, but after a while they became clear. "Once subject 826 is awake, the tests shall begin," one said. "Are you sure? I still think we should try another patient," the other replied. "Look, he's the youngest we have in the facility and the healthiest of them. From Dr. Smith's notes, it seems he is progressing faster than the others. He will, therefore, respond better than others too."

"When you say respond, do you mean withstand?" this voice sounded uncomfortable. The other sighed. "If you don't want to be a part of this, then leave. This is a fantastic opportunity to test their responses and how the trials have affected them."

"But some of these proposed tests, Doctor, they are...horrific. Some even border on the line of torture. He would be in unimaginable pain! I think-"

"Do not question my authority! You know the score, you either shut up and get paid or you leave. Choice is yours! But for the sake of science, it needs to be done! I have chosen the subject, now all we need is for him to wake up and we can begin."

Jerome approached Delilah. He stood next to her, looking at the door the two people talking seemed to be behind. "Who were they?" she asked. He shook his head. "I don't know," he began, "but now you understand why I have to get out of here and no one is allowed to know I am awake, apart from you." Delilah looked conflicted as she looked back to the door. "I could find out who they are and try to stop them. I might even be able to-" Jerome chuckled, cutting her off.

"If anyone else knows I'm awake, then how am I going to get out of here?" he noted her confused expression. "You expect me to stay here once I'm awake?" he smirked. "I got a city to torment, Lilith, I'm a busy man. This face had been out of the limelight for way too long!"

Ignoring his last few comments, she looked down at herself, her still body. "Is this what it really feels like?" Jerome leant on the side of the table. "Pretty much. It's nice for the first few hours. But I imagine that after a few days it would drive you insane!"

"You imagine?"

"I'm already insane, Lilith. Being dead sure hasn't changed that!" he placed a thoughtful finger on his chin and tilted his head. "In fact, it may give me an excuse to go a bit more stir crazy."

"From what I've learned of you so far, I don't think that would be possible."

"Oh," he giggled and leaned over her face, "you ain't seen nothin' yet. You think I'm fun now, just wait till we get out of this place!"

It took Delilah a moment to grasp what he was saying. "We?" she asked in a mix of curiosity and surprise. Well, mostly curiosity.

Jerome took a step back and smiled at her response. "Go back to my apartment. Get me some clothes and look under my bed. I'll explain more tomorrow."

Delilah watched him walk away.

"Hold on!" Delilah called before he left.

He stopped.

"What's in this for me?"

Jerome looked over his shoulder with a mischievous smile. "Wake up."

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