Chapter 13

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"This is Doctor Delilah Smith speaking. The date is the fourteenth of November 2019. I am situated in lab 306 with patient 826. The patient has shown an increased ability of muscle control and movement. Heart rate is strong and steady, the same as all respiratory tests. Patient recognises light therapy and can follow my torch and finger when his eyes are open." She looked down at Jerome. "The patient also shows signs of continuous strengthening of communication skills." She pressed the record button.

"You know, your apartment really smells, Jerome. You really should do something about that." Delilah had thought a lot about Jerome's proposition. She did enjoy her work here and it would be a setback to leave, but she longed for freedom. She wanted to live her life, not work under strict rules and regulations for the rest of it. She wondered if anyone would come looking for her once she had left. What would she do once she was out of there? Where would she go? And more importantly, would she take Jerome up on his offer? She moved her attention back to the body in front of her. She looked up to his face.

His eyes were open.

Ignoring how unnerving it was, she leaned down over him. "Is that involuntary?" she asked with a chuckle. She was surprised even more so when the corners of her patient's mouth turned up a little. After stifling a gasp she took his hand. "Can you move your head?" she watched as Jerome slowly turned his head towards her a little.

He paused.

"Okay, pretty good. How about your arm?" she lifted his arm a little then let go.

His arm dropped back down weakly.

"Hmm. Maybe try again," she insisted. She took his hand again and raised it only a small bit. She let go and saw his pale arm shaking, but it soon held steady. She smiled at the progress and reached for her recording device.

Jerome's arm shot out and his hand grasped her lab coat.

She looked back at him.

His head was turned to the side, facing her. His piercing eyes were fixed on her.

She took his arm and placed it across his chest. "Try moving it now."

He successfully moved it and placed his hand back into hers.

Delilah was stunned. In all of her years working here, she had never seen a patient's recovery so suddenly. She watched his mouth open, as if he was trying to say something. She waited with bated breath and moved as close as she could.

His voice was weak. "Wake up..."

She felt her stomach drop. "What-" She paused when she saw his smile, "You dumbass, that is so not cool!" she playfully poked him.

Delilah took Jerome's hand. "Okay, let's try again," she said as she slid her hand under his back. "Ready?"

Jerome nodded and mouthed a yes in reply.

"One, two, three." Delilah pulled his hand gently and pushed his back up. She watched as Jerome managed to sit up easier than before. "That's great!" she smiled. "Now, let's get you dressed. I'll be right back." Delilah shot into her room and grabbed the bag she had retrieved from Jerome's apartment. When she returned to the lab, she saw Jerome had managed to swing his legs round and was sitting on the edge of the patient transport table. She placed the bag down next to him. "I didn't know what your preferences in clothes were, so I just picked up anything," she shrugged.

"S'okay," he replied weakly. The ginger unzipped the bag and pulled out the clothes. He felt something else and peered inside. He looked back at Delilah with a smile.

She shuffled uncomfortably. "Just for the record, I have no intention of using it." he reassured her.

Jerome moved the gun into a back compartment to hide the weapons a little better. He unfolded the clothes and took hold of the shirt. He put his arms through the short gray sleeves, but looked at Delilah when he tried to lift his arms.

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