eight; first morning & walk

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
snapchat messages

yangjungs ;
kim you haven't texted me all day yesterday.. are you okay?

klee ;
hi jung!! i'm sorry i was busy moving into the house remember

yangjungs ;
for a second i thought you were ignoring me

klee ;
i would never!! i was just drained!!

yangjungs ;
have a good day at school okay :)

klee ;
yes! i will, you too jung

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
yang jungwon & lee kyungmi

<yjw's mom> kids breakfast!!! *kyungmi and jungwon walk down the stairs together*

<lkm's mom> ah! you guys got along overnight?

<kyungmi> no

<jungwon> nah! i have other interests *jungwon shrugs his shoulder and takes a seat at the table*

<kyungmi> that hurt *kyungmi slightly mutters underneath her breath*

<yjw's dad> jungwon be nice

<kyungmi> it's fine, i also have other interests

<lkm's dad> well.. that's how you start off a morning *he laughs off the awkwardness*

<yjw's mom> so kyungmi, you're in class A as well?

<kyungmi> yes i learned a lot of stuff from my older brother

<yjw's dad> ah! what a good bother. you also go to the same school as jungwon, do you guys talk?

<jungwon> i didn't even know she existed, i didn't know there was a lee kyungmi at my school

<yjw's mom> cause you're too busy studying and not having fun

<kyungmi> no no it's okay. i also do the same, the reason why you didn't know i existed is because i don't butt into drama

<jungwon> okay? i don't either, how do you know me then?

<kyungmi> your the schools most handsome boy, everyone talks about you and it's annoying

<jungwon> oh? really?

<kyungmi> yes really! now, i'm going to school maybe jungwon should come to *kyungmi slightly rolls her eyes, waves goodbye, and heads out the door*

<yjw's dad> she has a very... bright personality

<lkm's dad> she usually doesn't speak much.. this is the most i've heard her speak

<jungwon> your daughters oblivious *jungwon sucks his teeth on his way out the door*


<kyungmi> nice to know you think i'm oblivious

<jungwon> eaves dropper much?

<kyungmi> well if i hear someone speaking of me, of course i'm gonna listen

<jungwon> whatever, stop talking *jungwon takes his phone out to text "kim" once again.. kyungmi's phone goes off* how come everytime i'm on snapchat your phone goes off

<kyungmi> i have friends too you know *she lies*

<jungwon> surprised

<kyungmi> you know, i thought you were nice

<jungwon> if i like you but do i like you? no

<kyungmi> then who do you like? *kyungmi stops her tracks and turns around to face jungwon*

<jungwon> a girl named lee kim *jungwon smiles at the thought of her* wait why am i telling you- i don't even know you like that

<kyungmi> ah! mr.playboy likes someone i see

<jungwon> yeah i do but she's been off since yesterday

<kyungmi> cut her some slack

<jungwon> you're acting as if you know her well

<kyungmi> i don't but i'm assuming shes just in a place right now. if you love her, give her some time *kyungmi walks off without jungwon. jungwon stands there with furrowed eyebrows, he stands there for a moment putting pieces together*

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