Help me make a BFB Comic Book [PART1]

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Hi guys, Welcome to Help me make a BFB Comic Book [Part 1]

This is as the title says. I'm going to try to make a bfb comic book. 

Humanized, because I draw humans better, LIKE DUH OFCOURSE

This book will of course have ships and be set in a high school setting.

Ships That'll Probably be in the book are Fireafy, Tengolf, Coinpin, 4x, Losercake (maybe), Matcil, Stoldy, Gelanut, Sawty, Puffries, Woodrop, Balloudy, and Icelety.

How bad it might be when I haven't even finished designing each and every character.

If you have questions or more ships you'd want to add or have suggestions and changes you'd like to give, please comment on them. Thank you.

B.T.W each part to talk about the BFB comic book will either be called HMMABCB which of course stands for Help me make a BFB comic book.  And Each [Part] will talk about a different topic for the comic book. For example, who will be in the book, places that should be added, and if four and all the numbers should be siblings.

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