Part 05

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As Zhao Yunlan woke up in the morning, he didn’t find any difference, tho last night he couldn’t sleep because he couldn’t stop thinking about what happened to Shen Wei after their fight. But Shen Wei is really good at hiding his sadness because in the morning he acted like usual, greeted Zhao Yunlan with huge smile and cooked him delicious breakfast. 

Zhao Yunlan still wondered what Shen Wei knew about his life, he never told about his life with anyone except his siblings and also Meng Yao, he even hid his identity very well in front of Shen Wei’s parents. No one knew about the fact that he is the son of Zhao Xinchi, a employee from Shen’s company who had been accused as corrupter. 

But Zhao Yunlan couldn’t forget about what Shen Wei said last night, about what his family did to him and his parents. As far as Zhao Yunlan knew, Shen Wei was lived in Prague for very long time to pursue his study when Zhao Yunlan’s parents died. Zhao Yunlan knew Shen Wei, who caused his mom got fired but he never met Shen Wei in person. None of Shen’s had ever met him because he spent a lot of time studying. 

Zhao Yunlan really wanted to dig more information but Shen Wei acted like nothing was happened last night so he couldn’t do anything. Maybe he would find a way to get more information. 

“I made you lunch box, this morning I really want to cook a lot” Shen Wei said as he placed 3 lunch boxes on the table “I made Japanese style bento box, I hope you like it, Yunlan…..” 

“3 boxes?” Zhao Yunlan frowned 

“Yes, one for you, one for me, and one for Yibo” Shen Wei replied 

“Yibo? Who is Yibo?” 

“He is one of my students, actually my favorite student tho he is a mischievous boy but he is nice and so funny. I promised him to cook something for lunch after he helped me with my car yesterday” Shen Wei explained “You know, Yibo used to get bad score before he met me and suddenly wanted to study hard and now he is one of the best student so far. I believe he will be a great musician in the future. I like him so much!” 

“Like?” Zhao Yunlan rolled his eyes. He didn’t know why he didn’t like the way Shen Wei explained about this Yibo guy, Shen Wei’s eyes was sparkled and full of adoration “If you like him then why don’t marry him instead?” 

“Whaaaattttttt?” Shen Wei grinned “Are you jealous, Yunlan?” 

“Nope….. not even a little” Zhao Yunlan said without looking at Shen Wei “Just shut up and eat your breakfast” 

“You are indeed jealous. Yunlan, I like him of course, but I love you, that is why I married you” Shen Wei smiled “Now, rest assured, don’t be jealous anymore” 

“I’ve told you, I’m not jealous!” Zhao Yunlan sighed “Finnish your breakfast, I’ll take you to university!” 

“Why don’t you just simply say that you are jealous” Shen Wei muttered and kept eating his breakfast.

30 minutes later, Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei arrived in the university and a young man was already waiting in the parking lot. Zhao Yunlan sighed again, that young man must be Yibo. Well, he guessed was right because when he and Shen Wei got out of the car, this young man greeted Shen Wei cheerfully. 

“Good morning, my beautiful laoshi! How are you today? Did you sleep well and dream about me?” Yibo said. 

“Silly BoBo! Good morning to you too. I’m fine, how about you?” Shen Wei asked back 

“I’m very good, more like excited to be honest because today I will eat very delicious food from you. I even had a dream about this. In my dream you were fed me too” Yibo laughed but Zhao Yunlan only silenced awkwardly. 

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