Part 8

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“Did he about to say that he wanted to break up with you, ge?” Zhu Hong was paced back and forth in her living room meanwhile Meng Yao just sat on the couch and held his head with both of his hands “How could he do that just because of Shen Wei? what that slut did to my gege?” 

“I have no idea Hong, and I don’t want to break up with him ever! We are so close to our goal, I don’t want something or someone ruin it!” Meng Yao exhaled “Maybe because he felt guilty because his fucking wife almost died. I don’t know … we have to wait and see. You know… Yunlan is actually good person that can’t stand when someone is suffering, so maybe he felt pity because of what happened to his wife” 

“But what he did to you is wrong, he hurt you, I can’t let that happen again! I really want to give that stupid wife a lesson!” Hong said 

“What else do you want to do?” 

“Hurt him more….” Hong gave Meng Yao an evil smirk 


“Wei, sleep! I know you still awake” Zhao Yunlan said when he saw Shen Wei was lying on his bed, they had a great night watching a firework show but Shen Wei was still sick so Zhao Yunlan took him back to his room. But he knew Shen Wei had not sleep yet, even though he was laying on his side with his back facing Zhao Yunlan “Do you want me to call nurse and give you another injection?” 

“I’m sleeping” Shen Wei said, he didn’t dare to look at Zhao Yunlan because he was still blushing, thinking about what happened this night, he kept touching his lips 

“Sleeping huh?” Zhao Yunlan stood up and walked approach Shen Wei slowly “How can a sleeping person answer me?” 

Shen Wei slowly moved and he was almost got heart attack again when the first thing he saw was Zhao Yunlan’s face who now was stood beside Shen Wei’s bed. “Why you can’t sleep?” 

“I don’t know……” Shen Wei pouted “Maybe because of what….. uh what ha-----” 

“Do you want me to kiss you again so you will sleep?” 

“that will make me stay awake all night!” Shen Wei answered very fast but then he covered his mouth with his hand and muttered “You are such a tease….” 

“So that is the reason why you can’t sleep” Zhao Yunlan chuckled “Yeah you can stay awake and stay longer in this haunted hospital, I don’t mind” 

“Yunlan……” Shen Wei whined 

“Then….” Zhao Yunlan then sat on the edge of Shen Wei’s bed “You better sleep so you will get better faster, close your eyes Wei and and rest” 

“uhuh..” Shen Wei slowly closed his eyes, he tried to sleep even his heart was still beat so fast

“You have to get better….” Zhao Yunlan whispered while caressing Shen Wei’s hair until the latter fell asleep for real, Zhao Yunlan smiled and kissed Shen Wei’s forehead while whispering sorry. 

Zhao Yunlan was so happy, his heart felt light, not like the usual when his heart felt so heavy, be nice to Shen Wei actually easier for Zhao Yunlan and of course it wasn’t only make Shen Wei happy but he was happy too. He never felt something like this before, just a simple act but made him so happy and it was like all of his hatred go away instantly. 

Zhao Yunlan somehow amazed by the God. How God can lift up all of his burdens instantly by sending one person to his life. 

“Wei, if only you are not coming from the Shen family, maybe everything will be easier and we will have a happy marriage like we always dream of” Zhao Yunlan spoke in very low voice “If only you know that there’s a battle in my heart between my love and my revenge, I really don’t know who will win. If my love wins then what about the justice for my family? If my revenge wins, what will happen to you?” 

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