✨Why me?✨

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✨ cause everyone likes you
You smile you're kind and you're beautiful heart✨

Author pov

Jungkook still in the bed with jimin "minie you should sleep" jimin didn't respond jungkook stare at him he saw jimin cry "hey why you crying?" He asks with his soft voice " i-i can't believe my uncle was a criminal" jimin cry more Jungkook hug him tight "ahh it's okay minie I'm here for you" jimin stared at him " really?" Jungkook nod and cuddle with jimin

Jungkook POV

Ash. I don't know why I'm so soft to him I'm not like this before. Shit, I think I need a wine. I heard snored for sure he sleeps I slowly got up and went down to the bed. Cover jimin with the blanket for making sure he can't cold and went out in the room

Author POV

"Boss Lee we didn't saw the boy" Lee throw his wine on the wall "fuck I asked you to make it simple and then you have not seen it yet! "Lee shouted he put his hand on his eyes so that he was calm" okay it just won't stop until you see jimin my son needs him "two tall boys man bow and start looking for jimin "just hide jimin I will find you too" he took another glass he put it in wine and drink

Jimin wake up didn't feel jungkook beside him he yawns and stood up in his bed he went to the kitchen but he stops "it's not my house anyway so where is the kitchen here?" He asks himself looked around "looked for something?" He turns around and saw the little girl with short hair colour black "oh yeah I was looking for the kitchen I'm hungry" he rubbing his stomach the little girl giggle "come follow me" jimin follow the little girl through the kitchen "here" she points "I make you some pancakes and milk won't you mind sitting" she asks jimin nod and set down waiting his food arrived. Few moments after the little girl finish cooking she give the plates to jimin. Make jimin hungry more cause of the smell "thanks for the food" and he started to eat while the little girl stared at him. jimin stop what is he doing cause he notices the little girl stares at him "oh sorry is just you look cute" jimin blush and continue to eat "hey babe there you are" jimin choke when he heard her say babe he drinks the milk "hey are you okay?" Jimin nod "yeah sorry" the tall boy man his hands on the little girl waist

" ahm if you look curious I'm her boyfriend hi I'm Jung hoseok and this little girl is my girlfriend jenny" (a/n: sorry😃)

"I'm park jimin"

"Oh so you are the one who jungkook kidnapped last night"

"Wait!?. Jungkook kidnap him?"

"Yes babe"

"I'm going to punch his face how dare he kidnap this innocent guy" she points to jimin

"Babe he has a reason why he kidnapped that kid"

"Bu-" hoseok cut

"No buts he will explain to us why he kidnapped that kid"

"Oh poor jimin"

Jimin just smile at them while the two talked 'how old that girl anyway?' Jimin asks his mind and continues he eat until he finishes "anyway jimin did jin and namjoon know you here?" Jimin shock when he heard the name jin "wait jin hyung know this?"

"Yeah, why?"


I can't believe this he part of the mafia too with his boyfriend

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