❇ mr.kim❇

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❇ I want to kill you in front of him but luckily he won't ❇

Author POV


Everyone searching for jimin except jungkook he busy with his work. But the unlucky jungkook call and ask if jimin fine or where is jimin it's been two days they didn't found jimin yet. Jin taehyung jenny does worried about him they keep thinking negative thoughts  something might happen to jimin "jimin!!" They all shout in the forest they not sure if jimin was there but they are not give up as long as they didn't found jimin "jimin where are you!!" Jin shout

"I think we need rest for a while" hoseok sit on the tree side

"No we need to keep searching jimin its been two-day jungkook call us and ask if jimin fine we lie to him I can't give up or rest," jin said

"Gosh I'm worried now where are you jimin," Jenny said

"Okay I got idea jenny jin and taehyung search jimin right there and the left me hoseok and suga" namjoon suggest all of them agreed and they continue search jimin

Jenny POV

I don't know where jimin is I feel something happen to him I was searching for him here in the forest where taehyung and jin Oppa separate. I saw a small house in the woods I've no know idea why they have a house here. I'll go to the small house and enter this house abounds. This inside look dark and many webs I walk in the room someone laying on the dirty floor I was shocked and run "jimin" I try to wake him up "jimin wake up!" But he didn't respond I sudden pick my phone and call an ambulance and went to our GC and tell to them I saw jimin they said

They come here in the minutes "jimin wake up" I try not to cry jimin so kind and sweet person he is a good friend of mine. I don't know why he's here "please guys come to hurry," I said


"Mr Kim is so nice to meet you" we shaking hands and sit down

"Me too anyway you said you need me"

"Ah yes I want you to take my jimin to jungkook he kidnap him"

"Kidnap? My friend that's not easy to kidnap your jimin to jungkook you know him"

"I don't care I want my jimin back that's only I want"

"My friend I can't do that"

"What kind of mafia are you do you have a brain?"

"You have no idea what jungkook do if I kidnap his baby"

"His baby?"

"Yes I think he and jungkook have a relationship"

"What the fuck that's not going to happen I want my jimin back here asap"

"I can't do that" he stood up and walk

"I give you 64.00 dollars" he stops walk and looks back at me I smirk

"I want my jimin back and that money be yours" he smirks and nods

'That's it you be back here jimin'


Jimin wakes up at an unknown place he looks around and finds out he's in the bed laying "where I'm I?" He asks himself the touch his head and remembers. Jimin remembered what happened to him he also did not know how many days or weeks he was in the hospital he just remembered he woke up because he had a heard near his window he stood up and went to his window and opened it he saw small and white that rabbit he decided to follow it so he went out to him Room saw taehyung sleeping soundly so he walked slowly so that he did not wake up down the stairs and went out of jungkook's house and he followed the rabbit to the big woods no longer jimin realized that he was far from jungkook's house so he ran but he did not know how he would come back because he did not know the way back so he saw a small house like nothing He lived like a longhouse he ran because it was night. After all, jimin is afraid of the dark. You can see inside the house Many spider webs and jimin is old looking for where he will lie down so he can go home tomorrow. And he is nowhere in the hospital he has no idea who help him by the woods. He decided to sleep back


"Do you think I didn't know what happen to him?" jungkook said all of his friends look down and scared to jungkook he knew everything happens that's why he stops his meeting and went to his house call all of his friends he sits on his chair while his friends standing " you have no idea I been watching jimin I have CCTV here in my house I saw jimin waking up the middle night he walks to his window like he saw something sudden came out his room and I saw taehyung sleeping in the door didn't feel jimin walk pass him and immediately run to the door I don't know where he going I call namjoon if jimin was fine but he said jimin fine the truly is jimin was not fine to look his in the hospital?" jungkook said everyone was quite. They didn't mean to left jimin. They just want to help jungkook to investigate and find out the unknown place "sorry jungkook it's my fault I left jimin I can't protect him" taehyung said and he started to sob suga came to him and gave him a hug "I don't blame you taehyung and I don't want to be angry with you because I will understand it was that night and you know you are tired "said jungkook while he was staring at namjoon" and why did you decide to go to that place and then leave jimin here in my house with taehyung you know here in my place It's not safe what if jenny did not see jimin in the abounded house where everyone dies in that house then jimin is still afraid of the dark things "all the anger jungkook released because of his reason he likes jimin he doesn't want to hurt him you know what your feelings are when you are in love with someone then you do not want to get lost in your house yes that is the feeling of jungkook now he knows what feelings of love and yes jungkook fall in love with jimin he know what love means of and he understand why he heart beating so fast when he with jimin like different feelings

" we sorry jungkook for what happens to jimin," namjoon said

" I won't give you my forgiveness I want you all apologized to jimin if jimin forgive you all then I should do I"jungkook replied

"Let's visit jimin jungkook I know you mad at us but you can't be admitted but please we apology"

"Jin hyung I already told I won't get mad"

"We can see in your face jungkook don't deny it"jungkook rolls his eyes

" whatever let's go and visit jimin" he stood up and they all went hospital to visit jimin


My Sweetie's I'm so sorry I just update this next chapter

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Anyway, if my grammar something wrong don't shy to told me I will do it again don't worry I won't bite😅😅

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