Chapter 15

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When I rolled over and stopped my alarm that morning, the same thoughts from the past four days swarmed my mind. I had spent my first waking moments with the same image in my head for the past three days and at this point, it was almost worrying me.

I wondered what was happening to me.

I opened my eyes and looked up at my ceiling.

Below me, I could hear the faint sounds of my cook readying my breakfast.

Around me, I could smell the air freshener that I always used.

Above me, as I stared at the ceiling, the thoughts in my mind manifested an image.


I shook my head and sat up, wondering why I had been thinking of her since the day I took her home. There couldn't possibly be a good reason for it.

I sighed and got up, eager to get down to the breakfast

When I did walk into the kitchen, Cook nodded to me.

"Your breakfast is almost ready," she told me, showing me the pan that she was holding.

"Did you eat?" I asked her, pouring myself a glass of water.

She blushed. She always did whenever I checked up on her.

"You know I eat a good breakfast before starting the day," she said, "Oh, and a painting for the new house came. What shall I do with it?"

"I'll have it taken there and you can put it up wherever you like, okay?" I said to her.

She turned to me. "You want me to put that painting where I want? No, no. it's not my house," she said, shaking her head vigorously.

I laughed, getting out a plate for her to put my breakfast on to, "I think you actually live in my house more than I do. Please put it somewhere where it won't collect much dust and you won't have to wipe it often."

She spooned the eggs on to my plate. "You are too nice," she said and then sent me off to eat.

I had bought a house that I absolutely loved and moving in had been put on hold because I wasn't entirely sure whether I wanted Juhi to see it. I had put so much of heart and soul into designing and building that house; it was special to me and I didn't really consider Juhi to be that.

It was somewhere I really felt at home, and I didn't want to share that with just anyone.

Now that she was gone, I wanted to move in there.

I'd still have my apartment in the city, but I wanted to have a home that could be all for me.

I spent the day throwing myself into my work despite it being Saturday so that my mind wasn't consumed with thoughts of a certain someone.

It was only when night had well and truly fallen, All had left and my eyes were getting blurry with all the documents I had been looking through, that I got up and got dressed to go and catch up with the boys as I had promised.

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