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Wedding Planner Rule Number 1

Confidentiality is Key.

Rajat would not be happy.

Brides who wanted June weddings was one of the biggest causes for his frustration with my job. Brides in general was a cause for his frustration, really.

Planning Juhi Singh's June wedding would probably mean long nights for the next ten months, meaning that Rajat would be extremely irritable.

For the past two days, ever since Juhi's assistant called my office and set up an appointment, I have been sitting on the information, wondering whether I should warn Rajat or not. We were already at a rough patch because of my constantly busy schedule, which was an occupational hazard, and this information might push it over the edge.

I watched him on the phone, planning a meeting for the day as he put his tie on. He had spent the night at my apartment because I wanted to make it up to him for being so busy.

He tossed his phone on to the kitchen island and walked over to me, kissing my temple.

"Any breakfast?" he asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Rajat, you know I'm not a good cook," I told him, holding my mug with both hands.

He nodded, smiling and picked up his phone again. "I'm going to go after this cup," he said, gesturing with his coffee mug.

"Don't you want to get breakfast together?" I asked, hopeful that he would agree because I knew after today's meeting with Juhi, I'd want to stay back and get started on her preparations. It's never too early to start planning someone else's wedding, especially a pageant Queen's. They tend to change their mind a lot, so, having some extra time is always helpful.

Rajat shook his head. "I've got to stop by my apartment and pick up some files," he said, not turning to look at me, "And if I stay to have breakfast, I'll be late for my meeting."

"I don't think I can make dinner today," I told him, rinsing my mug under the tap.

"That's fine, pri," Rajat shrugged, smiling at me, "It's Friday, so the guys and I will hit up some bars tonight. I know that's not really what you like to do."

He was right. I didn't really like sweaty, drunk strangers around me, but that doesn't mean I don't like to go out on a Friday night.

Remembering my work for the wedding I was planning for the next week, I decided it was a good thing that Rajat would be occupied.

"I'll see you, maybe tomorrow, okay?" Rajat said, coming over to me and kissing the top of my head before he walked towards the door, "Love you."

After he was gone, I got ready for the day and made my way to the office. It was a beautiful, old townhouse that I had transformed into my headquarters. The words "Wedding Dreams" were mounted above the door and the inside was a calm, serene environment that I designed to placate even the most frenzied of brides.

When I walked in, Jenni, my assistant was already there, arranging some flowers at the front desk, talking to Sarah, the receptionist. She looked up at me as I entered.

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